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Do Betta Fish Need a Heater and Filter?

Do Betta Fish Need a Heater and Filter? When it comes to betta fish tank heaters, you’ll need to find one that is the right temperature. Too hot, and your fish can be cooked. Not hot enough, and the fish will suffer from hypothermia. Many betta fish owners try to keep their tank at 78 degrees. You must also ensure that the heater you choose is small enough not to be a danger or hurt your fish in any way.

It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on how much water you are changing out on an average basis. Just make sure that when you do change it out, it is properly filtered and treated with conditioner before being added back into the system for your betta fish family.

Betta fish are great additions to your home, and many owners enjoy the company of their pets as they watch them flit about from time to time. This can be a very rewarding hobby for anyone that enjoys keeping animals.

Betta fish tank with filter

The most important considerations when looking to purchase a new Bettafish tank are size and filter. This article will cover

  • What filtration options are available for Bettafish tanks
  • The different sizes of betta fish tanks
  • And tips on keeping your tank healthy and clean.

Here is our guide to buying the perfect betta fish tank.

Water should flow through the filter at a minimum rate of 1 gallon per hour, however, if you have plans for more than one fish tank, consider purchasing two filters and creating multiple channels within a single aquarium to improve water quality and quantity.

For example, a single 180-gallon tank with two betta fish would require two filters. One from 150 gallons (275 gal/day) and another from 90 gallons (150 gal/day).  A smaller tank with a single betta would require one filter from 150 gallons (275 gal/day) and another from 90 gallons (150 gal/day).

Working through the filter requirements will help to ensure that your betta fish tank meets all of your aquarium needs. However, you can be sure that the water quality is safe for your pet when you select a quality filter. The best filters pump water through mineral-free carbon or ceramic rings at such a fast rate that no organics or oxygen are left behind. When filtering large amounts of water. It is also recommended to purchase an air stone with each filter to help to keep the water bubbles moving and increase oxygen levels in the tank.

Betta fish tank mates

Betta fish breeders and experts agree that it is best to keep one male betta and three females in the same tank. There are many reasons for this, but they mainly fall into three categories:

  1. Breeding- a single male will be aggressive towards other males to try to mate with them.
  2. Water quality- males can release ammonia into the water which can quickly damage the health of your female betta. Females produce less waste than males so more cannot be produced at a faster pace, leading to better conditions for all in your tank.
  3. Mating behavior- females need company while breeding so having multiple will help pass time while breeding as well as providing company during rest periods.

There is one more reason, but it only applies if you have multiple males in your tank, which is that sometimes males will fight to the death and this can cause damage or even death to one of the bettas.

For purposes of this article we will be discussing how keeping multiple female bettas together can benefit your fish and our discussion will be based on an entire tank of fish.

Having a number of females together

Having a number of females together can speed up the time it takes for them to reproduce. This means one male will have company while mating and common courtship rituals such as flashing colors, tail shaking and rubbing their bodies on each other’s body can happen more frequently.

You can expect your female bettas to have more offspring in a tank with multiple females, breeding ratio being 1:3, which is a far greater percentage of offspring than you would have if one male was kept with only one female.

Males can be aggressive towards each other and in doing so they could damage each other as well as plants and decorations within the tank. The presence of multiple males in a tank also means that fighting between them will have less of an effect on the female bettas as two or three will die instead of just one.

Keeping multiple females in the same aquarium can help prevent or reduce algae. Remember that water quality is the number one determining factor in the health of your bettas. The more ammonia and nitrite your betta make, the more toxic they will be to their environment.

Although males can release ammonia into the water, it will not be as strong as a female would allow building up in their tank. This can lead to a buildup of toxins within the tank which will harm your bettas so it is important that you maintain good water quality levels in your tank.

Multiple females

Having multiple females also means less waste for them to produce which means you have less of a chance for toxins building up within your tank.

Keeping more than one female in a tank also means that one of them will have company while she is resting. This can help pass time for the females as well as help calm them down so that they can relax for a moment when another female needs to be fed.

There is no reason why females cannot be kept together if you have multiple males. Although males are not aggressive towards each other, having more than one male in the same tank will mean that at times they are likely to fight and this could result in death of one or more of the bettas. If you plan to keep more than one male in a tank, try to have one male for every four female bettas.

When deciding what type of tank to use for housing your multi-female tank, consider the number of females you will be keeping as a group. Their combined length should not exceed the length of the tank by a few inches so they have enough swimming room and they can enjoy their time together.

Do not use tanks that are too small as this can cause stress in your fish and make them more prone to disease and illness. The bigger the better for housing your bettas, especially if you plan on creating a community of female bettas that you plan on breeding together.

Betta Fish Tank Ideas

Betta fish tank setup

A common misconception about betta fish is that they require a large amount of space. This isn’t true. A betta fish can stay content in a small aquarium – giving them the best chance for success in an owner’s home.

In order to provide your betta with the ideal water conditions, it is important to point out how “betta tank setup” should be done. There are some key points you should take into consideration when setting up your tank, such as size and water temperature. Betta fish care also requires replacement of filters and decorations periodically, as well as routine cleanings of the tank and substrate (the sand or gravel at the bottom).


Betta Fish  Tank Size

The first step to “betta fish tank setup” is choosing the right size tank. A general rule for determining the best size for a betta tank is one gallon per inch of a betta’s length. For example, an inch-long betta can live happily in one gallon of water. A four-inch-long betta can live happily in four gallons of water. This isn’t always an absolute rule, though. There are other factors to consider when choosing your tank’s size – including decor, temperature and whether or not you plan on keeping any other fish in the same tank.

For example, a betta fish living in a 1-gallon tank with live plants and driftwood may require more water changes than a betta living in a 1-gallon tank with no decorations. In addition, other fish – like goldfish or cichlids – tend to release ammonia into the water which can be harmful to your betta. If you plan on adding other fish to your betta tank (or are planning on keeping a betta alongside other species), choose a larger size just for him.

Betta Fish Tank Ideas Decorations

Another part of “betta tank setup” is selecting the right kind of decorations for your tank. While live plants are a good addition to any betta tank, they should be chosen carefully. Some kinds of plants, like anacharis and tiger lotus, reproduce quickly – sometimes sending hundreds of flower stems into the water every couple of weeks. These can overcrowd the tank quickly – so keep an eye on how fast you live plants reproduce.

If you are looking for something simpler than live plants, there still are plenty of options for “betta tank setup.” Many people choose to decorate their betta tanks with rocks or artificial decorations and structures. These are easy to clean and won’t crowd your betta’s home as fast as live plants can.

Best betta fish tank

Betta fish are one of the most popular types of fish in the world. They can be kept alone or in groups and need very little maintenance. However, without a proper tank, they will not thrive. For a best betta fish tank we’ve put together this article to give you all the information you need to keep your betta happy and healthy.


Bettas require at least five gallons of water per fish to thrive. If you have a community aquarium with more than 10-20 bettas, then your tank should be much larger. As a general rule, we recommend at least ten gallons per betta.


A good substrate is necessary for a happier betta. We use a combination of play sand and gravel, as the betta’s fins get easily caught in the sand and they can’t swim through it very well, plus it doesn’t stay as cool in summer as the gravel.

Water temperature

 The water must be kept between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit (22-25 degrees Celsius) to ensure that your betta fish is healthy. This can be achieved by using a heater or thermostat.

Water chemistry

Water chemistry is very important for the health of your betta fish. We use a combination of water from the tap and bottled water, with additional ammonia and nitrite tablets. The amount of water you need depends on the number of bettas you have. For example, if you have 20 bettas in one tank, then it should be at least 5 gallons per fish.


Filters are used to increase oxygen levels and remove waste. They also keep your betta clean and healthy by keeping the ammonia out of the water. We use a combination of good quality filters and foam filters to keep the water clean.


We use two types of lighting, one high wattage bulb in the daytime and one low wattage bulb at night. High wattage bulbs are better than UVA lights as they are less harsh on the fish but we still use some UVA lights in tanks with lots of plants.


Betta fish are very active shoaling fish and will be kept happier if you have plants like java moss, java ferns, and hornwort or java ferns. If you have more than three or four bettas, then get a much larger tank with more space for plants.

How to clean a betta fish tank

When your betta fish starts to smell, it’s time for a good clean. It is a lot of work but this article will help with an easy way to keep your betta fish healthy and happy.

Have you ever noticed your pet showing signs of stress, like lethargy or unusual behavior? If so, chances are that they are suffering the effects of poor water quality. This might be due to not enough filtration or an unhealthy environment. In which case the best course of action would be to replace the filter cartridge and change out some water. However, if it’s just time for a clean, read on.

The aquarium itself.

If you have a glass bottle or jar, wash it thoroughly with soap and water and rinse well to remove any soap residue. Choose a container of a size that you can handle easily to give the full treatment to.

Remove all ornaments from the tank and wipe them down as well. You can even use anti-bacterial wipes for this purpose- though this may not be necessary.

How about the water? Do you have a male betta fish tank? If so, remove eggs before cleaning. Get your hands on either a cup or a plastic bowl (easily taken apart for cleaning- if necessary) and fill it with your tap water from your tap. Float some white vinegar in the water so that you can spot any signs of bacterial growth.

Betta Fish Tank Ideas

Unique betta fish tank idea

Think of all the cool new ideas you can come up with with a unique betta fish tank. You’ll want to talk about it with all your friends at party gatherings and get them excited because they’ll want one too. It’s not as hard as you think. Just take a look below at some of my own ideas that I think might help spark your creativity in the process.

Build an iceberg

Put two glass tanks side by side and put them on top of each other creating an Everest-like image on top. Cover the bottom one with sand, or put some small objects at the bottom to look like an iceberg. Put a few fake fish in the upper tank.

Make a Pinata

Make a box that is mostly hole, like some egg cartons will work. Poke holes in all sides for air. Put your betta fish on top of it with their own castle or castle-like home and wait for them to swim up through the holes.

Add Tubes

Go to a hardware store and buy aquarium tube filters and other tubes you can attach over the side of your tub (or you can even make your own tubes out of PVC pipe). This adds a cool effect to the tank.


Create a castle or other structure with something you can hang over the side of the tank (zip ties, fishing line, etc.). You can even glue legos onto it. This can be any color and shape you like.

Iceberg with Snow

Make your iceberg look like it has snow on top by covering it with something light and fluffy, like cotton balls or styrofoam packing peanuts. Buy fake fish for inside it or put small figurines in there to play around with.

Add a water wheel

You can find small water wheels at most pet stores. I love them because they’re very quiet and inexpensive, which is good for bettas because they are very sensitive to sounds. 

It’s always summer under here

Add a little hidden area by making the bottom of your tank your “underwater cave” where you place a lamp or two under the bottom layer of your betta’s home. Then cover it with sand or some other attractive covering that will make it look like its own little tropical island paradise. Use air tubes to allow air to get in from above as well (I find round tubes work best for this).

Get creative and add a “fishing net” to the top of the tank by making it out of a piece of string or fishing line. You can let the betta fish swim up through the net to claim their prey.

Secret Hideout

Use small Styrofoam packing peanuts to build small tunnels for betta fish. They like hiding places. This is also a good way to get your betta fish out into the open so they can get some air flow from above and stop being “cute but helpless” (unless you don’t mind them being in hiding places).

Create a waterfall

This is probably my favorite idea ever. I did it by gluing a pice of glass on the bottom to the side of my tank. The water was coming from the pump connected to the top glass part. You can buy small pumps at most pet stores that aren’t too loud, but if you don’t want to spend money on a pump you can try something like a fishbowl filter (just make sure it’s small enough for your betta).

Make an island

This is very easy to do. Just add something as an island (I just used a styrofoam ball and added some decorations to it). You can even glue 2 pieces of wood together and make a bridge like in the image.

Betta Fish Tank Ideas

Betta fish tank temp

The water should be heated to a temperature of around 79 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the temp that most experts recommend for a Betta fish tank setup. A Betta fishes’ body is naturally suited for this temperature.

Under these conditions, you won’t have to worry about your fish getting sick from ich or other water related issues.  You should also mention that the temp of the room the tank is located in should be around 80 degrees.

Fish need a stable environment that does not fluctuate much, so be sure to include it in your article. The temp outside of your home might be much colder or warmer than 80 degrees, but it’s important to keep your fish comfortable inside as well.

Also discuss how important it is for the bottom of a fish tank for there to be gravel or another substance on the floor.