Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries-Banana-Grapes and Apples with skin?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries-Banana-Grapes and Apples with skin?

Can guinea pigs eat strawberries?

They just love to play with toys and explore their surroundings. So there’s a lot of fun in guinea pig ownership. But what about that question about can guinea pigs eat strawberries? Can guinea pigs eat strawberries? The short answer is yes. But the long answer is a little more complicated.

We all know guinea pigs love their fruit, but the fact is that most people don’t give their pets strawberries because they know they’re dangerous (they can cause an illness called “strombolis”, which can be fatal). But, we’re here to tell you that guinea pigs really can be eaten safely—and they’re great as a healthy snack.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries

Can guinea pigs eat apples with skin?

Guinea pigs love apples, but because they have a sensitive stomach, they need to eat apples that have not been washed or cut. It is not a good idea to feed them apples that have been peeled and have the skin removed since this can cause intestinal problems. But, apples without skin can still be used as food for the guinea pigs without risking any health problems for them.

Guinea pigs are lovely creatures that are often used as pets. They have been domesticated and used as food, clothing, and even as portals to the great beyond.

Can guinea pigs eat apples?

Guinea pigs are a member of the rodent family, and are related to hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, and mice. Guinea pigs are known for their cuteness, non-aggressive nature, and ability to learn tricks.

Guinea pigs are often used in scientific experiments as subjects, since they are so docile. That being said, they are not naturally predisposed to liking apples. In fact, guinea pigs tend to dislike apples, which is why many people recommend that guinea pigs not be fed apples. However, this is not a hard and fast rule, and some people will use apples to make their guinea pigs happy, even if they are not healthy. Will guinea pigs eat apples? The answer is yes, but in small quantities, so read on to find out everything you need to know about guinea pig apples and learn what to watch out for.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?


Guinea pigs are one of the cutest animals you can own as a pet and their tiny bodies are cute and cuddly, but they can also be a handful when it comes to eating. Although they may be a safe pet, they can still bite, so it’s important that you educate yourself on their dietary needs.


Although grapes are an irreplaceable source of Vitamin C, they can also be harmful to guinea pigs, as it is a known carcinogen. It has been shown to cause cancer in rodents and many studies suggest that it might cause cancer in guinea pigs, too. On the other hand, research has shown that guinea pigs can be exposed to the carcinogen by eating the crushed skins of grapes. Since there are about 200mg of grape seeds in a guinea pig’s daily diet, it would be very impractical to prevent them from eating grapes.

Can guinea pigs eat bananas?

Guinea pigs are known for their inquisitive nature, but the furry mammals seem to be smarter than we think. In this case, guinea pigs are just as curious as they are inquisitive. They’ll try almost anything. But, when it comes to guinea pig diets, not all foods are created equal. Some may have too much sugar, some may be too spicy and some may even be toxic.


You’ve probably heard about guinea pigs eating bananas by now, but did you know that their diet includes different things than you might initially think? Their diet is actually almost fully vegan, with the only exceptions being the occasional bits of meat from insects that they may eat. But the most interesting thing about guinea pigs eating bananas is that they’re not just eating them because they like the taste: they’re eating them to gain nutrition from the fruit since bananas are a good source of potassium and Vitamin B6.

Are guinea pigs good pets?

Small Exotic Pets. Are guinea pigs good pets? Guinea pigs make great pets. They are a nice addition to a family with children and other animals. But they can be easily stressed out by both of these things. Now we should know that are guinea pigs good pets?


Guinea Pigs come from South America. Where there is a wide range of climates, from desert-like areas to tropical rainforests. In the wild, guinea pigs live in large groups of about 10 individuals called “herds.” The herds do not have one dominant male who leads them. Rather each herd has several males who work together to protect and mate with the females in the group. So the question again are guinea pigs good pets?


Male and female guinea pigs will stay together for life if given the chance. Which makes them very different from most other types of pets you might find in your neighborhood. The Biggest Dog in the world 2022.


Guinea pigs can live in a basic cage with some special items to make their life easier. They should always have a nice hiding place to run and hide in. Which you might recognize from the guinea pig cages at your local pet store. These types of cages are perfect for your guinea pig because they provide shelter. And a safe space to rest up while still being able to see what is going on around them. It’s important that your guinea pig has enough room to sit upright. Though he or she does not need much more than that. Since guinea pigs do not get too high off the ground when running around. Somebody wants to know are guinea pigs good pets?

Small Exotic Pets: Keeping Your Pet Comfortable.


In addition to a shelter, your guinea pig will enjoy a hideout. Because guinea pigs are prey animals. They feel most secure when hiding out near or under something. A cardboard box with a hole cut in the side is ideal. Just be sure you place it in your guinea pig’s cage instead of outside the cage. Otherwise, he’ll go right through it.


You can also provide your pet with bedding and hay for his cage. Shavings (not cedar, as this has an aromatic oil that can bother some people and isn’t good for the animal). Make nice bedding because they’re soft on the feet and absorbent. Plus they come in different colors to add visual appeal to the environment. Alfalfa hay (or any type of grass hay such as timothy). On the other hand, is appreciated by guinea pigs because it’s easy to digest and contains more nutrients than shavings.


Guinea pig food also helps your pet flourish. Be sure to feed your guinea pig pellets formulated for these animals. They’re nutritionally balanced and offer a wide variety of ingredients. So he gets all his nutritional needs met in one shot. Also, provide fresh vegetables and fruit each day. Your veterinarian can recommend which kinds of hay and veggies are best for your pet based on his age, health condition, etc.

Small Exotic Pets: Are guinea pigs cuddly exotic pets?


Most people think of guinea pigs as cute, cuddly little balls of fur. When they are presented with the idea of getting a new pet. Also, they want to know are guinea pigs good pets?


Most people are wrong. Guinea pigs are not cute, cuddly, or suitable companions for small children. Their behavior is drastically different from that which most small animal owners expect. And their care requirements tend to be higher than those associated with other species in the same size range.


Most people fail to stop and consider what it is about guinea pigs. Which makes them so very different from their image before setting out to get one as a pet.

Small Exotic Pets: Guinea pigs are prey animals


This means that they have evolved behaviors designed to make them inconspicuous in order to avoid predators. They are, therefore, among the most skittish animals, one will find. Not because they are afraid of you but because they anticipate that something unpleasant might happen. If they give themselves away by moving or making noise.


This also means that their first line of defense is to remain absolutely still in an attempt to avoid being noticed. By whatever might be looking for them. If you have ever seen a rabbit frozen in place when it first notices danger. Then you have some idea of what behavior to expect out of your guinea pigs.


As prey animals, their other line of defense is camouflage. So as to blend into their environment and escape notice by whatever predator might come near. If you’ve never seen a cavy before it may seem counterintuitive. That they would be brown, black, or gray in color. But this is because their native environment consists of grasslands which are also shades of these colors.


If you get one as a pet then it will quickly come to understand that. This is not its natural environment and it will no longer display any sort of camouflage behavior. It may take anywhere from several weeks to several months for this to happen. However, depending on how much the guinea pig needs to acclimate itself to its new habitat.


This means that if you present your New Guinea pig with an enclosure that has green grass in it. Then it will immediately sprawl out onto its back. And start chewing away at the vegetation without even getting up.


What do guinea pigs need?


Pets are animals kept by people as companions or for entertainment. Pets are great to have because they can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure. And provide affection. These are some types of pets that you should consider before bringing home a guinea pig.


Adult guinea pigs need to be handled frequently. So that they become accustomed to the touch of humans. They also require an enormous amount of space. They should not be left alone for more than 4 to 5 hours at a time. Because they are social creatures who become lonely easily without companionship from their human keepers. If you will not be able to give them your attention throughout the day. It is best not to bring them home unless you have someone willing to take over care of them. While you are away.


The first thing you need to know is that guinea pigs do not require vaccinations. Because they are natural herbivores. The second thing you should know is that guinea pigs are prey animals (like rabbits). They can be very timid & shy around humans, which means it may take time for them to get used to you. This also means that the more human contact they receive. The more tame and friendly they will be toward their owner(s).

Are guinea pigs easy to take care of pets?


As with any pet, the amount of care your guinea pig needs depends on what species it is. There are three breeds – short hair (or American), Abyssinian hair (or Peruvian), and straight-haired (or English). Short-haired breeds require less grooming than the others. And they also have a softer coat to keep them cool in the summer. Long-haired breeds require more grooming. Their fur needs to be brushed every day because it tangles easily. Instead of solid colors, long-haired breeds tend to have color patterns like “ticking” (small spots) or “tiger” (stripes). The Biggest Dog in the world 2022.


Guinea pigs’ skin does not need to be bathed. It is self-cleaning. But if their owner wants to bathe them anyway. The best way is to use a shampoo specifically for rodents.  Never apply any kind of baby or pet shampoo to your ideal pigs as some can cause serious problems for them.


It’s also important not to spray the shampoo directly onto the guinea pig. It should be put in a spray bottle and lightly misted on. If you can, take your guinea pig outside for a bath. Because there will inevitably be some water that gets on its fur. Which you don’t want to drip into its cage. Guinea pigs are very susceptible to respiratory ailments. So make sure they are breathing properly after their bath by watching for rapid breathing or wheezing. If this occurs, call your local veterinarian immediately. This might sound like overkill but it is better to be safe than sorry.


After your guinea pig has dried off (you may need towels as well as a hairdryer). Be sure to check for any skin irritations that may have occurred while it was wet.


Additional Care of Guinea Pigs


If your guinea pig gets dirty. You should take it out of its cage. And wipe the dirt off with a wet towel or hand-held vacuum cleaner. Do not bathe your guinea pigs in their cages. Because they will get water in the cracks of the cage & make bacteria grow there. Guinea pigs are very social creatures. So you should spend time with them every day. Play games, give them treats, groom them, etc. They are also very curious animals & if allowed to roam freely around the house. They can learn where their bathroom is through trial & error. The most dangerous place for them is on the carpet, so never leave them.

Pros and cons of owning a Guinea pig as a pet


  • Guinea Pigs are very social and enjoy human company, but should not be held for extended periods.


  • They need to chew on things so they cannot be left unsupervised in an unstocked cage for a long time. Though it is best to let them out at least once daily anyway. The Biggest Dog in the world 2022.


  • These animals require a large cage (ideally 2×4 feet) with lots of bedding such as CareFresh (or other compressed shavings). The bedding must be changed when dirty or wet. The cage was clean when dirty. And if there is more than one pig. Then the house must be cleaned every day so the pigs don’t get sick. The more space they have, the happier they are.


  • Other than that, you need to provide food for them (pellets work best), fresh hay, and clean water daily. Treats (they like cheerios or some fruits & vegetables). And also a petting session once per day. They need to get out of their cage at least once per day too. Allowing them out on your bed is even better if you can supervise them during this time. Other than this, there’s not much else required but plenty of cuddles.


  • They live 4-7 years which is long enough to get attached to any household animal.



The mentioned information helps you to recognize that guinea pigs are good pets. Get Pet updates from our site.

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids/Toddlers? Pros & Cons

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids/Toddlers? Pros & Cons

Are hedgehogs good pets for kids?

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids? it’s a common findings of all. Yes, hedgehogs are typically a good choice for young children, as they can be handled and handled frequently. While hedgehogs are most active when they are awake, they are also excellent nappers and require no special care to ensure a good night’s sleep. Here we should provide the solutions of your question Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Pros of having a hedgehog as a pet for kids

There are several pros to having a hedgehog as a pet for kids:

Low Maintenance: Hedgehogs are relatively low-maintenance pets, which makes them ideal for children who are not yet ready to care for more demanding pets. They are independent and do not require daily walks or grooming.

Unique: Hedgehogs are unusual and intriguing creatures that can be entertaining and educational for kids. They are nocturnal animals, meaning they are active at night, which can be exciting for kids to observe.

Quiet: As hedgehogs are often quiet creatures, they are perfect pets for families who reside in apartments or other confined spaces. They don’t meow, bark, or make other obtrusive noises that might annoy the neighbours.

Tactile: Hedgehogs are tactile animals that like to be held and petted. As they learn how to take care of their pet, this can aid kids in developing empathy and responsibility.

Long lifespan: Hedgehogs have a relatively long lifespan, meaning children can enjoy their company for many years. A hedgehog can live up to 5-7 years with proper care.

However, it is important to note that hedgehogs are unsuitable for all families and require a specific diet and habitat.

No allergies: Hedgehogs are hypoallergenic, meaning they do not produce dander or shed fur like other animals, making them a good choice for families with allergies.

Easy to house: Hedgehogs are small and do not require much space, making them easy to house in a small apartment or a house with limited outdoor space.

Teach responsibility: Owning a hedgehog can teach children responsibility, as they must provide food, water, and a clean habitat for their pets. It can also teach them about animal behaviour, biology, and conservation.

Affectionate: Hedgehogs can be affectionate pets and can form a bond with their owners. They often recognise their owners’ scent and will come out to greet them when they approach their habitat.

Low-cost: Hedgehogs are relatively low-cost pets and do not require expensive equipment or veterinary care. However, it is important to note that they require a specific diet and habitat, which can add to the cost of ownership.

It is important to consider the pros and cons of owning a hedgehog before getting one as a pet. They are unique and fascinating animals that can provide a lot of joy and entertainment but also require proper care and attention.

Active and playful: Hedgehogs are active and playful animals that enjoy exploring and playing with toys. They are curious and can be trained to do simple tricks like running through tunnels or jumping over small obstacles.

Easy to train: Hedgehogs are intelligent creatures that can be taught to use a litter box and comply with simple instructions. They may become simpler to care for and more pleasurable to be around.

Low odour: Hedgehogs have a low odour compared to other pets, making them a good choice for families sensitive to smells. They do not require frequent bathing, and their habitats can be easily cleaned with mild soap and water.

Unique appearance: Hedgehogs have a unique and adorable appearance, with their spines and round faces. They are often considered cute and charming pets, which can appeal to children.

Quiet companionship: Hedgehogs are quiet companions that can provide children with a sense of comfort and security. They do not make loud noises or demand constant attention but can be comforting to have around in the home.


Cons of having a hedgehog as a pet for kids

While there are many advantages to owning a hedgehog as a pet, there are also some cons to consider, particularly regarding children owning them. Here are some potential drawbacks:

Fragile: Hedgehogs are small, fragile animals that can be easily injured if not handled correctly. Children must be supervised when handling them, as rough handling or dropping them can cause serious harm.

Prickly spines: Hedgehogs have spines on their back that can be sharp and prickly, which can be uncomfortable or painful if not handled properly. Children need to be taught how to hold them correctly to avoid getting poked by their spines.

Nocturnal: As nocturnal animals, hedgehogs are often active at night, which may not be convenient for children who want to interact with them during the day. This can make it difficult to bond with them, as they may not be awake when children are.

Special diet: Hedgehogs have a specialised diet that consists mainly of insects and high-protein cat food. This can be challenging and expensive, and picky eater kids might need help finding it enticing. Possible health problems:

Potential health issues: Hedgehogs are susceptible to obesity, lung infections, and dental difficulties. Some ailments may need specialist veterinarian care, which can be expensive.

Short lifespan: While hedgehogs can live up to 5-7 years with proper care, their lifespan is relatively short compared to other pets, which can be difficult for children who may become attached to them.

Illegal in some areas: Hedgehogs are illegal to own in some areas, such as California, Georgia, and Hawaii. It’s important to check your local laws and regulations before considering getting a hedgehog as a pet.

While hedgehogs can make good pets for some families, they may not be suitable for all households, especially those with young children who need help understanding how to handle them properly or who may lose interest in caring for them over time. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Hibernation: Hedgehogs can enter a state of hibernation if they are kept in an environment that is too cold. This can be dangerous for their health, and they may require specialized care to bring them out of hibernation.

Habitat requirements: Hedgehogs require a specific habitat that includes a warm, dry area to sleep, an exercise wheel, and a hiding place. Setting up and maintaining this habitat can be time-consuming and costly.

Limited interaction: While hedgehogs can be affectionate pets, they may not be as interactive as other pets, such as dogs or cats. They may not enjoy being held or cuddled and prefer to explore independently.

Noisy wheel: Hedgehogs require an exercise wheel, which can be noisy if it is not well-maintained or in a bedroom. This can disturb children’s sleep and may require some adjustments to the habitat.

Not as trainable: While hedgehogs can use a litter box and respond to basic commands, they may not be as trainable as other pets, such as dogs. This can make it difficult to bond with them or engage in more complex interactions.

Not a cuddly pet: Hedgehogs are not known for being cuddly and may not enjoy being held or petted. Children looking for a pet to snuggle with may be disappointed with a hedgehog’s more independent nature.

Potential for biting: Hedgehogs may bite if they feel threatened or scared, which can be painful and potentially dangerous for children. Children must be taught how to handle them correctly to avoid being bitten.

Difficult to find a reputable breeder: It can be difficult to find a reputable breeder of hedgehogs, which can make it more challenging to find a healthy and well-socialized pet. This can also add to the cost of ownership if you need to travel long distances to find a reputable breeder.


Why are hedgehogs good pets for kids?

Hedgehogs can make good pets dog for kids or toddlers. They are tiny, simple to take care of, and love to play as well as call for extremely little space. They are also fascinating to see and also can be taught to do techniques. They can also be taught to do tricks, which makes them fun and entertaining pets for kids. Hedgehogs are friendly, gentle, quiet, and adorable. They are also inexpensive to keep.

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

Reasons why hedgehogs make a good pet?

Some consider hedgehogs good pets because they are small and easy to care for. Hedgehogs are also considered to be relatively low-maintenance pets. There are other reasons as well to consider hedgehogs as a pet. Also, you should know that they are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids.

Hedgehogs do not damage the bedding in your home, nor do they destroy the carpeting or flooring underneath your home.

Do not jump up on people and bite them.

They don’t require the same type of exercise as other pets, so they are often not barking or jumping around during the day.

Don’t leave hair everywhere; they don’t stink up the house with their scent.

They are also quite amusing to watch and enjoy.

Relatively low maintenance. Like dogs, they require daily exercise and plenty of food.

Although hedgehogs are not guarded animals, they will not come to you and cuddle on the couch as a cat would.

So, hedgehogs can be considered pets in some ways but have unique needs and requirements. You will find these facts fascinating, too.

Some folks want to adopt a hedgehog, then go out and buy all the supplies and food for their new pet. Some people freak out about hedgehogs, completely freak out, and regret their decision. If you’re on the fence about whether or not you want a hedgehog as a pet, here are a few things to consider.

Hedgehogs only require a little attention and care.

A very intelligent, docile animal that requires human interaction to be happy.

You will not find hedgehogs at shelters or rescues.


Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

Do hedgehogs love their owners?

This inquiry has no conclusive solution, as each hedgehog has its character. However, numerous hedgehogs bond highly with their proprietors and can be very caring. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids? They may also be very protective of their owners, even approaching them at night if they hear strange noises. 

One person reports: “It saddens me that some hedgehogs are not allowed to show their love and affection. They should be in hoglets rather than a hedgehog’s pouch (a.k.a. cradle). In my opinion, the mother of all creatures should be free and active rather than tucked away inside some strange-smelling box. 

The only way to ensure a hedgehog feels comfortable is to give it the choice of environment.” These opinions are from people who care for their hedgehogs.

And people who want to know, are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids? Many want to keep the experience of owning a hedgehog private, so they expect quick action, and acquiring a hedgehog will be regarded as a success.

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

Are hedgehogs good pets?

Are hedgehogs good pets with are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids? also is a common question for pet lovers. Before raising a pet, you need to know a lot about that pet. Make sure all information about your selected pets. Today we will discuss hedgehogs. Many people think hedgehogs are good pets. To know more about pets please read the article to increase your confidence. Also know are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

 Pet hedgehogs

Pet hedgehogs are actually very interesting animals. They are related to both African porcupines and European hedgehogs. This means that they have quills like the former but hibernate in winter like the latter.

The scientific name for a hedgehog is “porcupine”, meaning ‘spiny pig’. The animal’s ability to roll itself into a ball can help it protect itself from predators most of the time at least. However, this doesn’t work against cars. Be careful on roads with these prickly friends around. Now the questions are hedgehogs good pets? Also the questions are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Hedgehogs also have litters between 4-6 babies at a time. The largest litter ever recorded was 15 little hoglets born to one mother in England back in 1990. Somebody wants to know are hedgehogs good pets for kids?

Hedgehogs were introduced to New Zealand in the 1800s for hunters. Who wanted a better way to hunt sparrows and other birds? They soon became an introduced species. And unfortunately spread very quickly with little-to-no natural predators. Until the 1990’s when they discovered cats.

In fact, hedgehogs make great pets. However, they do require special care because of their unique features. I hope that after reading this article. You will have a better understanding of these interesting creatures. And your confusion, are hedgehogs good pets to solve.

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

Why hedgehogs are good pets

Most pet lovers have a question: are hedgehogs good pets for kids? Hedgehogs are the only members of the suborder Erinaceomorpha. These creatures can make domestic pets. But they’re very specific. And not every hedgehog is good for a beginner (and even intermediate) hedgehog owner. Here’s what you need to know before you go out and buy one. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

If your goal is to own an exotic pet that will be less expensive than a cat or dog. Then look into hedgehogs. But do it carefully because their care requirements are so specific. That if you don’t meet them, your pet could die. Also, where you live might restrict how many you can keep. Because different states have different rules about keeping these animals as pets. Before you get a hedgehog as a pet. Be aware that they are nocturnal for the most part. This means that if you want to play with one during the day. You’re going to have to get up very early or stay up very late. They will let you know when they want attention though. Because they’ll start making yelping noises. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Decide as Exotic Pet

If you do decide to get a hedgehog as your exotic pet. Make sure it comes from a reputable breeder. And not someone who’s trying to sell them at flea markets or in parking lots. You should also make sure that it’s healthy by checking its eyes, nose. And general conditions before paying for it. Also, ask about their diet. Because this is an important thing to consider when getting a hedgehog for a pet. It’s an animal that doesn’t eat much. So you’ll want to be sure that it isn’t just eating food because you haven’t eaten in three days. Hope you understand that are hedgehogs good pets for kids ?

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

What are hedgehogs good for

If your state allows it, you might want to think about buying two hedgehogs at once. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids? If one dies, then you’ll still have another one around while you’re waiting for the other to give birth. And if they do reproduce while living together. Hopefully, their offspring will become pets. Instead of being released into the wild or sold as food. However, make sure that both are healthy before bringing them home together. Because even if they get along when the female is pregnant. Sometimes things can change after she gives birth and has to take care of her offspring. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

The last thing that you need to consider before getting a hedgehog as your pet is the cost of its food. These animals are insectivores. This means they eat insects along with some vegetation, but they don’t eat much. They will only need about one-third of cups of food per week. And their main diet should be crickets or mealworms. That has been bought from a pet shop specializing in exotic pets. So if having an exotic pet appeals to you but you’re not sure if a hedgehog is for you. Please confirm what it takes to take care of. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Are Hedgehogs Good Pets

Hedgehogs pet care

The first thing you need to do to keep up with your hedgehog’s diet is to weigh him once a week in grams on a digital scale. This task will be a little more difficult. If your hedgehog is not tame yet. So it might take some time for you to figure out how much he actually weighs when he curls up into a ball. The reason you need to keep track of his weight is. So that you can make sure he gets enough food as well as the correct amount of food throughout the day. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Hedgehogs should eat about 70-90 grams per day. If your hedgehog weighs in at 450 grams. Then divide 450 by 24 hours and you will get 18,75. This means that this hedgehog needs about 18 and a half grams of food per hour for each hour he is awake. Assuming he sleeps 10 hours out of the day. That means that you would only feed him 1/4 cup worth of dry cat or dog food. It depends on what type your hedgehog prefers every 8 hours. As far as frequency goes, I feed my hedgehogs every 8 hours around the clock. This way they can’t ever get too hungry and they won’t feel a need to hoard their food either. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?


Hedgehogs Food & Diet

For a basic diet, hedgehogs can use Hartz brand cat food which is 18% protein and 5% fat for this particular example. If you have an overweight hedgehog who needs to lose some weight. You will need to decrease the amount of food that he eats per day by about 20%. So if your 450-gram hedgehog needs 1/2 cup worth of dry food in his bowl at all times. But you know that he is getting too chubby. Then simply give him only 1/4 cup worth of dry food once every 12 hours or every 8 hours. Like I mentioned in the paragraph above are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

I know this may seem like it would be too little food to give your hedgehog. But if you take into consideration that hedgehogs are supposed to eat about 90 grams worth of food each day. Then 1/4 cup is actually quite a large amount for them. Also, keep in mind that hedgehogs should not be overweight. Because they find themselves with an overabundance of fat reserves on their body. Which can lead to many diseases down the road such as diabetes and heart disease, among others.

A great way to make sure you are feeding your hedgehog correctly is by taking him out of his cage. At least once per day so he can run around free-range while you watch him. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?


Can you have a hedgehog as a pet in the UK?

Are you thinking about getting a pet hedgehog? Awesome! Hedgehogs make great pets, they are low-maintenance and super cute. However, there are some things you should be aware of. Before taking on this new responsibility. So read carefully before making your decision. And think are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

These creatures were once wild animals roaming the English countryside. But as the popularity of keeping them as pets grew. More and more people started breeding them for that purpose. This has helped decrease the amount of poaching going on in England. However, it unfortunately also meant that. Many owners do not know how to properly care for these amazing beasts.

If you want to bring a little prickly friend into your life then this article is for you. We have outlined everything so that you can decide if a hedgehog is the right pet for you. And we have also included some helpful tips and tricks to ensure your new friend lives a long and happy life.

Are Hedgehogs Legal To Own As Pets In The Uk?

Yes, however, there are some exceptions. So before you go out and buy one it is important that you understand what these are. You may find this surprising. But hedgehogs can actually be illegal in some places. Such as California (USA) because they pose an environmental threat. This means it is up to each state to decide whether owning a hedgehog is legal or not. There are other states where it will depend on whether your local city allows them, eg: Virginia Beach in Hampton Roads only allows keeping reptiles. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

There are also exceptions in the UK where hedgehogs are banned. So before you go out and buy one check with your local authorities to make sure they are actually legal in your area. When you have decided that a hedgehog is legal to own in your area. Then you will need to get permission from whoever owns the property. if it’s not your home because some landlords do not allow animals on their premises.


As of writing this article, hedgehogs are legal throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland although each country has different rules about how many hedgies you can keep at one time. In England for instance there is no limit on how many you can keep whereas Scotland only allows you to keep up to 3. So if you plan on getting more than three hedgehogs. Then it would be best to look into getting a pet license because right now that is the only way to legally have more.

You can find out exactly what these rules are for each country here, however. If you are reading this article from outside of the UK it is important to check with your own countries laws first. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

What Age Hedgehog Can I Get?

Usually, breeders will not sell hedgehogs under 8 weeks old. Because they are still very vulnerable at that age. And need time to grow stronger before being taken away from their mother. If you want one as a pet. Then the best idea is usually to get them at around 6 weeks old. Any younger than that and will still be too young/vulnerable. Are Hedgehogs Good Pets for Kids?

Do Different Colors Count As Separate Hedgehogs?

Yes, each different color/pattern is classed as a separate species. So if you wanted to for instance get an albino. White hedgehogs would count as two because they are different species. This is up to you. Whether you want more than one of the same species. Or if you want several. It is not usually advised to mix different species together.


We’ve tried to give you some ideas about this pet. To satisfy your confusion are hedgehogs good pets for kids? Hopefully, it will be convenient for you to make a decision now. We kindly request you to let us know what you think of our post and if you have any further comments on Hedgehog.

When do Hamsters Hibernate UK With Their Eyes Open? How Long in Captivity?

When do Hamsters Hibernate UK With Their Eyes Open? How Long in Captivity?

When do Hamsters hibernate UK?

When do hamsters hibernate? Hibernation is deep sleep, equal to death in terms of biological processes. That is active during sleep. When hibernating, an animal’s breathing slows down until it is barely perceptible. Its heartbeat also slows and its body temperature drops drastically. The small mammals which hibernate include several species of bats. The best-known example is the common swift). Groundhogs (also known as woodchucks), and smaller rodents such as dormice and chipmunks. Hibernation usually takes place during the cold winter months. Or at times when food is scarce.

Hamsters Hibernate

When hamsters hibernate they go into a state known as torpor. This condition is the natural reaction of hamsters to cold temperatures. However, it is not an ideal state for hamster husbandry. If your hamster starts to go into torpor, you may want to consider making changes to its diet and housing.

Although most hamsters don’t hibernate year-round, they will do so if the temperature drops below 18c. This is necessary to conserve the animal’s energy for staying warm. During this time, most breeds will hibernate and stay in a warm, stable nested place. While caring owners may be inclined to leave the windows open, a hamster will not stay in a room that is this cold all day long.

Why do Hamsters Hibernate

Many reasons can explain why animals enter into hibernation and when do hamsters hibernate:


  • To save energy during times of scarcity


  • For survival periods without food


  • To be able to survive cold weather.


Hibernation is a kind of survival strategy. That enables hamsters to make it through the winter months when there is no food available for them. When the temperature drops. They curl up inside their lairs and block themselves in using pieces of bedding. This prevents any loss of body heat when do hamsters hibernate. This gives rise to the image of hibernating animals as lethargic sleepers – but, this is not true. But when do hamsters hibernate? Although they remain relatively inactive during hibernation. Hamsters do wake up once or twice every week. But do not leave their lairs and occasionally stretch out or move about. These movements are usually associated with periods of increased metabolism. Burning off fat reserves. When spring arrives, the hamster’s biological clock will signal for it. To wake up when do hamsters hibernate.

Only Syrian hamsters and a few types of dwarf hamsters hibernate. But when do hamsters hibernate? This means that Roborovski and Chinese hamsters do not normally hibernate. And only Fur Hamsters sometimes do so. Hibernation in winter is so not required for their survival. But when do hamsters hibernate? However, these two species may also occasionally founded asleep during the cold season. And known as “winter lethargySoore. If one of your pet rodents has fallen into a deep sleep before the onset of winter. You can just let him sleep undisturbed until he wakes up by himself. If your animal is sleeping outside its cage in an unheated area.

Hamsters Hibernate

Hamster Bedding for Warmth & Burrowing:

One of the most important things hamsters need is beddings. When do hamsters hibernate? To provide warmth, comfort, security. And can also serve as a place for burrowing. If you aren’t careful in choosing the type of bedding. It can cause health problems for your little pet.

Hamster Bedding has different uses depending on what the bed makes out of. Where to put it in your hamster’s cage. And how often you change their bedding. Luckily there are many types that are suitable for each situation. These include paper-based, wood-based, fleece/flannel, sand, refresh, and soil. Below are explanations on each type and where and when to use it. Also, the answer about when do hamsters hibernate.

Hamsters Hibernate

Paper-Based Bedding: when do hamsters hibernate

Description: Paper-based bedding makes of either recycled paper or cellulose. Which are better for the environment than wood-based beddings. But are not very absorbent. They are generally cheaply priced. But you have to use them quickly once opened or they will become quite dusty.

When to Use It: 

This type of bedding can be used in any location in your hamster’s cage. However, it isn’t very absorbent. So if you use this around their food bowl or water bottle, expect it to get dirty fast. You should replace this often because if it gets too dirty. Not only can your hammy get sick. But it also won’t absorb as much of their waste, meaning that it will start to smell quickly.


Cheap, Eco-friendly

very absorbent Where & When To Use It: -Any location inside the cage.



Wood-Based Bedding: when do hamsters hibernate

Description: Wood-based bedding usually consists of sawdust or wood shavings. It is more expensive than paper-based bedding. But is more environmentally friendly and often used in animal hospitals. This type of bedding doesn’t provide burrowing opportunities for hamsters. However, they are easy to find at pet stores and can be found anywhere from shavings. To sawdust, to pellets.

When to Use It:

This type of bedding should only be used in the hamster’s cage. You should use this in any location where your hammy can’t get their food or water. However, if you do choose to use it around these things, expect them to become dirty quickly. If you leave this too long in the same spot, it will soak up moisture and start to smell bad.


Eco-friendly, Easy Availability.

Great for burrowing Where & When To Use It. Anywhere in the cage not near the food/water bowl or anything else that will get wet easily.


Not very absorbent.

Fleece Bedding

Description:  Fleece bedding is popular for many animals, including hamsters. It is safe to use around your hamster’s food bowl or water bottle but can stain easily if not regularly changed. Unlike other types of beddings, fleece isn’t meant to absorb liquid or smell, meaning that your hammy’s cage will always smell clean.

When to Use It:

This type of bedding should be used in any location inside the cage because it is easy to find at pet stores and doesn’t affect the environment – unless your hammy eats it, which can cause health problems. This type of bedding is great for burrowing, so if your hamster doesn’t have a wheel, it is best to use this around that area.


Eco-Friendly, Smells clean

Where & When To Use It: -Any location inside the cage


Stains easily.

Hamsters Hibernate

Flannel Bedding

Description:  This type is very similar to fleece bedding, except fleece is made from synthetic materials, while flannel is made from natural fabric fibers. Flannel bedding is also nice and soft for your furry friend with many different colors to choose from.

When to Use It:

Flannel bedding is safe to use around your hamster’s food bowl or water bottle but can stain easily if not regularly changed. It is easy to find at pet stores, doesn’t affect the environment – unless your hammy eats it, which can cause health problems.


Eco-Friendly  -Smells clean

Where & When To Use It: -Any location inside the cage


Stains easily

Carefresh is absorbent bedding that absorbs 3x its weight.  Carefresh does not fall apart like other types of paper-based material.

Caring for a hibernating hamster

When do hamsters hibernate? Cold weather brings about changes in behavior, activity, and metabolic rate in hamsters. As the days shorten and temperatures drop. Female Syrian hamsters build special nests to hibernate in for three to six months of winter. Hamsters are solitary creatures who do not live or travel in groups. They can form friendships with other hamsters during the breeding season (January through September. But they only choose one mate per season.

Hamsters Hibernate

Why Do Hamsters Hibernate?

When do hamsters hibernate? Most animals move toward food sources as the weather changes. But this is difficult for pet hamsters because their cages provide all the amenities they need year-round. Wild hamsters gather food before entering their dens so they will have adequate stores for winter. While domesticated individuals will refuse to eat anything if their food dish is empty.

This can lead to starvation and death among hibernating hamsters. If owners do not purchase special foods designed for the needs of torpid hamsters. When a Syrian hamster enters hibernation. His heart rate drops from 200 beats per minute to about 100 beats per minute. And his respiration slows down similarly. He will also go into aestivation (similar to hibernation, but considered more “light”) when his body temperature is between 86°F and 92°F. During this torpor, he is still able to move around in his bedding, but he does so very slowly. His sleep patterns will change drastically as well in early spring you might notice your pet engaged in periods of light activity, followed by periods of deep sleep. The process of when do hamsters hibernate.

What Should I Expect?

As the autumn months progress, your hamster will start to get ready for his winter nap when do hamsters hibernate. He may appear restless and be more vocal than usual (although this seems to vary from hamster to hamster). But you should never wake a hibernating animal because he needs extra sleep to survive the harsh season. Hamsters do not need special bedding during hibernation. In fact, it can be dangerous for them if they ingest their nesting material while sleeping. If you want to use a certain type of bedding in your pet’s cage. Make sure he is awake so he can move away from it before going into aestivation.

Hamster temperature monitoring – 24/7

When a pet hamster enters hibernation or when do hamsters hibernate, his heart rate drops from 200 beats per minute to about 100 beats per minute and his respiration slows down similarly. A functional process of when do hamsters hibernate.

 1-10 days before your hamster goes into aestivation, he will choose a dark den in which to build his nest. He will line the walls of his den with fur plucked from his stomach and sides and create an insulated area. Where he can sleep during the winter months. He builds this bed in a secluded place that is not in plain view of other hamsters or predators. Because safety is crucial when you hibernate in a group setting. Hamsters may also choose additional sites for temporary nests, usually inside their yards or exercise wheels. But they leave these areas soon after construction because they are not well-insulated.

 Understandably, your hamster’s habits will change drastically before he starts to hibernate. He may be more vocal, skittish, or ill-tempered than usual. Because his internal clock is telling him that it’s time for bed and winter is on its way. Even if you live in a region without cold weather. If you find your pet gathering and eating bedding materials (or stealing them from neighboring cages). Prepare ahead of time with the correct type of food and shelter. So he won’t go hungry, weak, or lose body fat that can lead to death during hibernation.

Hamster Safe Heaters for mating

The summer months (June through September) are the mating season for hamsters. This means they’re most active, vocal, and visible during this period. As the autumn months progress, your pet will start to act differently as he prepares for hibernation. He may be more restless or talkative than usual. Because his internal clock is telling him that it’s time for bed. Even if you have no plans to turn down the heat in your house anytime soon.

If you notice your pet eating nesting materials (or stealing them from neighboring cages). Prepare ahead of time with the correct type of food and shelter. So he won’t go hungry or weak during hibernation season when do hamsters hibernate.

Preventing hamster hibernation

You should never wake a hamster when he’s in hibernation because he needs extra sleep to survive long winters. When do hamsters hibernate? But there are a few signs owners can look for when they want to wake a hamster from aestivation. Sometimes, a hibernating animal will have extra fat stored on his belly or around the base of his tail when he wakes up from hibernation. Most owners also notice changes in their pet’s behavior when they’re awake because he may be more vocal and skittish than usual for a much longer time period than usual during aestivation.

There are signs you can look for when you want to wake a hamster from aestivation when do hamsters hibernate. But it’s best not to disturb him if possible. Sometimes, an animal will have extra fat stored on its belly. Or around the base of his tail when he wakes up from hibernation. More often though, your pet will show no physical signs that he’s awake. Hamsters are generally more vocal and skittish than usual when they wake up from aestivation. Because their bodies need time to readjust to daily life after months of inactivity.

If your hamster is awake from hibernation. He will make a nest out of bedding materials in a secluded area when do hamsters hibernate. This den will be dark and well-insulated so he can eat, sleep, groom himself. And store fat for the upcoming winter months. You may notice extra body fat on your pet if he wakes up early from aestivation. He’ll store this extra weight around the middle. Or base of his tail until it’s gone by eating normal amounts of food over a long period of time.

Signs of hamster hibernation

Many people think that hamsters go into hibernation in the winter and wake up in the spring. But this is not actually what happens. Hamster owners should know that hamsters don’t hibernate and that there are other signs to watch out for.

When a hamster goes into hibernation, it will appear sluggish and slow, sometimes sleeping for days at a time. This period of time usually lasts around three to four weeks before they begin coming out of their sleep cycle. And moving around more. During these long periods of sleep during which they don’t eat or drink anything at all. They can easily die if left alone. They also stop pooping and peeing while they’re asleep. Because their body temperature is so low. Their metabolisms slow down and they don’t have “to go” as often as when they’re awake.

A common sign that a hamster doesn’t hibernate

The most common sign that a hamster doesn’t hibernate is that it will still climb the sides of its cage in order to get food and water although it may be harder to wake them up. Hamsters that are going through hibernation tend to be more easily woken up by being touched or squeaked at, but hamsters that aren’t going into hibernation will only move when they hear running water or seafood around them. They can also die if they are woken from hibernation too early because their bodies haven’t been able to properly adjust yet. If a hamster is going into hibernation, it should be left alone and allowed to sleep. It’s a natural state of being for the animal and should not be interrupted or interfered with.

There are other signs that a hamster may show when going into hibernation. They will often have problems regulating their body temperature, so they may shiver as if they’re cold even if their room is warm. They’ll also produce a small amount of clear fluid from their mouth, which is actually saliva but can sometimes appear as though there’s “blood” coming from their mouth [as one writer reported]. The hamster may have trouble walking around because it has slowed its muscles down during hibernation, and it falls over a lot more than.

Hamster habitat location

The best place for hamsters to live is in the bedroom. Hamsters love to climb, so they can use their play area as exercise equipment. They will also enjoy exploring up high with the added bonus of being able to see everything that is going on around them! Most importantly, however, the bedroom affords your pet more protection from hazards that you may not always be aware of. This includes dangers posed by your family’s household pets or perhaps even a young child who might decide that it would be nice to keep one as a “toy”. Also, there are any number of hazards intrinsic to the environment outside your house, such as inclement weather and predators – these are things you don’t have to worry about when keeping your pet in your bedroom.

A hamster is most likely to be active during the evening, which means that you can interact with it more often if it lives with you. A word of warning though – make sure you don’t keep it with any other family pets even if they are non-aggressive! If your pet does not get along well with others then this is an extremely dangerous situation that could end in disaster for both animals involved. If you do have multiple pets then it would be advisable to purchase two cages and place them side by side on the floor with a clear divider between them. This will ensure that everyone gets enough space without having to resort to any violent behavior.

What should do

One more consideration before deciding where best for your hammies home is going to be – allergies. Be aware that hamsters can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals and if you or a member of your family is prone to this kind of reaction then it is advisable not to keep a hamster in your bedroom. If you choose not to place the cage in your bedroom, make sure it won’t be near any other bedrooms.

In conclusion, keeping your pet inside the house offers many benefits over life outside in a hutch. Though there are differences between indoor and outdoor living, both have their own unique advantages which need carefully balancing out before deciding on a favored living space for your little friend.

How many hours do hamsters sleep

Everyone’s favorite furry friend likes to spend many hours of the day sleeping. Often, people mistake this as a sign that their hamster is dead or dying and this can lead to them panicking and not knowing what to do.

This article will cover how much sleep different species of hamsters need as well as what you should do if your hamster dies during its sleep cycle.

Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) are solitary animals that often spend 16-18 hours per day asleep; they usually go to bed at sunset and wake around sunrise. A winter white hamster needs about 14 hours of sleep a day but can adjust its sleep time depending on food availability – if there is less food available then they will sleep for longer than 14 hours and vice versa. A Roborovski dwarf hamster only needs around 9 hours of sleep a day but this does not mean that they rest for this amount of time; they can be seen running on their wheels almost the whole night! Chinese hamsters get about 12-14 hours of sleep per day and Campbell’s dwarf hamsters need 10-12 hours of sleep.

Do hamsters hibernate with their eyes open?

Searching for answers to “do hamsters hibernate with their eyes open” can be extremely difficult. What makes the answer so hard is that many sources online contradict each other.

When searching, most articles referring to this question will mention a book written in 1994 by Dr. Curtis Eng called “Winter World: The Ingenuity of Animal Survival”. However, I was unable to get my hands on it and could not read it myself.

Another problem with searching is that some article searches just lead back to things. Like blog posts instead of actual sites. Where you might find an authoritative source for information. It’s very discouraging when you find a post written by a “hamster expert” who states that they have witnessed their hamsters hibernating with eyes open. But there is no source or reference to back up the claims. The question of when do hamsters hibernate is also made confusing.

In short, I did not want to write about this subject because it would be difficult to confirm anything. But after some time and research, I was able to unearth something of value: an article in the Journal of Experimental Biology titled “Hibernation physiology: freezing for survival”. It is an in-depth look into all aspects of what happens when animals hibernate and include data from multiple different species such as bats, ground squirrels, and black bears.

Do hamsters hibernate in captivity?

In captivity, it is not possible to create the exact same conditions as in the wild. In a cage, especially if big enough and with proper temperatures, there’s no chance of hibernation because of the constant warmth from the lightbulb or heater. Furthermore, most hamsters also eat throughout winter which prevents them from fattening up their bodies before going into hibernation. So natural hibernation in a caged hamster is highly unlikely, though some individuals might slip into a state that can be confused with hibernation.

Hibernation in hamsters occurs only when the seasons change from fall to winter. In captivity, however, this cycle is interrupted because the animal lives indoors where the seasons do not affect him as visibly as they would outdoors. Moreover, since most pet owners provide their pets with heaters and air conditioners to keep them comfortable during changes in season no matter what time of year it is (for example, keeping their pets warm during Christmas even though the weather might be cold enough to induce hibernation), it is difficult to figure out when they would naturally go into hibernation. In short, hamsters may sleep a lot in the winter, but only if they live outdoors where temperature changes are more apparent.

Do hamsters hibernate in winter?

A hamster may have thought the little wheel was the only way to keep warm during his cage’s cold winter nights. And yet, there are other methods to keep warm in winter. These methods are used by all mammals, including ourselves. Hibernation is one of these methods.

Hibernation, which is also called “a state of deep sleep”. Happens when an animal decides that it is no longer able to find food. Or that staying awake represents too great a risk because of major changes in its environment. The weather must be quite cold for an animal to hibernate – usually above 20°F (-6°C).

Hypothermia can be confused with hibernation

If you are experienced, chances are that you have faced these questions before. And if not, then this article might be helpful for new hamster keepers out there. These symptoms all point to the same thing: hypothermia in your pet. Often caused by genetic disposition or environmental factors. It can lead to many health problems and even death. So let’s take a look at what hypothermia is.

Hypothermia is defined as having a body temperature below 35 degrees Celsius/95 degrees Fahrenheit. A person who suffers from this condition usually becomes pale white and her heart rate decreases dramatically. The color of the skin becomes blue and shivering will increase as the body gradually tries to warm itself up.

What happens when hamsters suffer from hypothermia?

How do we know if they are actually cold? Or not (never touch their ears for this, as they can freeze quickly)? And is there a way to treat it? You might have heard about putting them in your shirt/dress/pajamas since they are warm-blooded mammals. But did you know that this could be detrimental to your pet’s health?.

Yes, it actually could be, because all mammals are sensitive to warmth. As seen with babies or pets that get too much heat without even being sick, it causes seizures. The same goes for hamsters in this regard, so please do not put them in your clothes.

When it comes to hamsters, what you can look out for are the following symptoms:

  • Chattering teeth (although some might argue that they do this when they are cold)
  • Sleepiness; instead of running around or playing, your pet will pretty much lie on its back and curl up into a spiral shape. They might even fall asleep like this.
  • Loss of appetite (however, this is actually common in all animals who suffer from hypothermia)
  • Shivering; most people think that hamsters cannot shiver or be seen trembling. Because they have no muscles to do so. But with naked animals, you can actually see small muscle twitches when they are cold.
  • Swollen feet, ankles, and legs; this is probably one of the most obvious symptoms of hypothermia in any animal. The skin will look “puffy” because the body accumulates fluids to warm up itself. This accumulation is noticeable when touching your pet or giving it a gentle squeeze.

Hypothermia in hamsters usually occurs when their environment is too cold for them. It can also be caused by genetics or age, for example, old age.

Additional information about hypothermia

As mentioned before, environmental factors are the main reason for this condition to take place in hamsters.

  • In the UK, aim for a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius/ 77 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if your pet is from Turkey or Russia, this should be increased to 28-30C/82.4-86F.
  • In places like Australia or New Zealand. Make sure that your hamster’s habitat is at least 20 degrees Celsius/68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, avoid keeping your hamster’s cage near a window or a drafty part of the house because they absorb cold very quickly. Since their blood vessels are so close to the skin, they will get cold very fast. This is also why you should check their cage every day for drafts. Or any other problems that could cause hypothermia.

Another thing that you should avoid at all costs is putting your hamster’s habitat in front of a heater/fireplace. Although it might seem warm and cozy, this actually makes the problem worse. Because the heat accumulates inside of the habitat, making everything even colder than before.

Some things that you can do to prevent hypothermia from happening:

When do hamsters hibernate, although these environmental factors are unavoidable sometimes?

  • Tilt up their water bottle slightly so that it releases warmer-than-usual water onto the floor. This way, your hamster will be licking up the warmer water instead of freezing cold water in their bowl.
  • You can also partially cover or wrap your pet in a warm cloth after taking it out of the habitat.

The reason why hypothermia is dangerous for hamsters is that it lowers physiological functions. This means that the heart slows down and less blood flows to tissues/organs. If left untreated or if too much time passes before treatment starts, this condition could lead to death!

Since you are already keeping them at an optimal temperature with proper environmental management. Most hypothermic cases are usually easily fixed by warming up your hamster’s body slowly with a bath.

However, there are some cases in which your pet’s hypothermia is too severe that their heart rate drops significantly, making it hard to detect. In this case, you will have to administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). By wrapping them up in a soft cloth and massaging their body.

With proper care and consideration for your hamster’s environment, hypothermia should not be a problem at all. Of course, always consult a vet before going through any steps described above.

Although they might seem very independent and strong on the outside. These little creatures cannot help keeping warm by themselves when it gets cold. They rely on us to keep them from getting sick. Or even dying from something as simple as being just a bit chilly.


How do you tell if your hamster is hibernating? This is because they have the ability to put themselves into a state similar to hibernation, wherein they slow down their vital functions and fall asleep. This will meet all the questions about when do hamsters hibernate.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes-Bananas-Strawberries-Apples? Top 7 List

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes-Bananas-Strawberries-Apples? Top 7 List

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

First of all, before anything else. You have to determine whether or not your bearded dragon can eat tomatoes. In the list of insects and vegetables below. If any of the items as being safe for your bearded dragon to eat. Then it’s ok for him/her to have them – however, keep in mind that this does not mean they should be a staple food source.

Bearded dragons love eating insects. Some examples of safe fruit and veggies they can eat include apples. Oranges, leafy greens (like kale), carrots, squash, and peas.

To help make sure that there aren’t any toxins. Or pesticides on the skin surface of the tomato plant itself. Wash off the tomato before dicing it up into small pieces and feeding it to your bearded dragon.

Tomatoes should consider a treat food, not a staple – so keep the amount you give your pet to an absolute minimum. Bearded dragons eat insects in the wild, in large quantities. Letting your pet sit in one place and eat nothing. But tomatoes are very different from their normal, natural way of eating. So use discretion when feeding him/her this fruit or vegetable. Also, make sure that washed thoroughly before giving them to your bearded dragon. Both because you want them to stay healthy. And also because they will likely want to play with the food after you wash it. Or even try taking bites out of it when playing with it. You can dice up the fresh tomato into small pieces for them. Or crush the entire tomato and mix it in with other vegetables.

can bearded dragons eat tomatoes

Pros and Cons

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? No, they should not. Raw tomatoes are toxic to them and can cause them harm. However, once cooked they are no longer an issue.

Tomatoes belong to the plant family called Solanaceae. Which grow many of their leaves on vines. They include potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and chili peppers. And tomatoes among others common around the world for human consumption. Bearded dragons cannot eat any of these plants or their fruit because it is toxic to them. This is true even if cooked or baked into foods. That you might prepare for your bearded dragon’s mealtime instead of eating raw. As a salad ingredient with dressing on it. Even though you might make tomato sauce out of one part of the plant family. And allow it to simmer with other ingredients, you cannot feed this to your pet.

You can supply them with fruits like cantaloupe, strawberries, oranges. And bananas though not without care. Because they also contain a lot of moisture. Which can cause bowel problems if given improperly or in excess. You should limit the amount of fruit a beardie will eat over its weekly diet plan as a general rule. Vegetables fit into their diets as well but these need cooking for at least 20 minutes first. Before giving them to the dragon as part of its regular meals.

Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes, but how frequently?

Tomatoes don’t quite make the “do not feed” list for bearded dragons despite all of these warning signs. The odd tomato actually has a number of positive health effects for your bearded dragon:

Despite being a fruit, tomatoes have a low sugar content, which benefits the heart health of your dragon.

When consumed in the correct amounts, tomatoes’ high vitamin A content will support and maintain your bearded dragon’s immune system, vision, ability to reproduce, and growth.

Tomatoes don’t contain a lot of oxalates. Since they absorb calcium and can result in MBD and other health problems, oxalates are comparable to phosphorus in this regard.

Lycopene, a potent antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red colour, is present in tomatoes. Lycopene promotes healthy skin and a strong heart while reducing inflammation and preventing cancer.

Did you realise? Lycopene is a component of our Reptile Greens & Calcium Powder, which supports the immune system of your dragon.

Why aren’t tomatoes safe to eat by bearded dragons every day?

Let’s look at tomatoes’ advantages before examining why they shouldn’t be a mainstay of your bearded dragon’s diet.

Dehydration and digestive problems. Due to their high acidity, tomatoes can contribute to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea. This causes your beardie to get dehydrated.

toxicity of vitamin A. Tomatoes contain beta carotene, which the body changes into vitamin A. This isn’t an issue in and of itself, but if you give your dragon excessive amounts of tomatoes (or other foods high in vitamin A) along with vitamin A supplements, your dragon may have some unsettling symptoms due to vitamin overdose. Dehydration, energy decline, weight loss, and edoema are a few of these.

a lacklustre diet. Calcium is a vital necessity for bearded dragons to be happy and healthy. Because tomatoes are such a poor source of calcium, dragons shouldn’t consume them frequently. You shouldn’t feed your beardie much of a food if it has low calcium alone.

excessive phosphorus Phosphorus is somewhat akin to the kryptonite of bearded dragons. This is so that calcium cannot be taken into your bearded dragon’s bloodstream since phosphorus and calcium bond together in the body. Because bearded dragons require calcium to survive, eating too many meals high in phosphorus puts them at risk for metabolic bone disease (MBD). This illness, if unchecked, has the potential to paralyse and kill dragons.

But tomatoes are not just too phosphorus-rich to be used as a normal food source. There is some calcium in tomatoes, but the phosphorus content is about six times higher.

Only meals with a calcium to phosphorus ratio between 1:1 and 2:1, with calcium predominating, should be frequently consumed by bearded dragons. This significantly lowers the likelihood that your beardie may acquire MBD and other health problems. A dragon’s health can swiftly decline if they consume foods with an unbalanced phosphorus to calcium ratio, with phosphorus predominating.

contains acid. Most likely, your veterinarian will advise against giving citrus fruits to your dragon. The reason for this is that they have a high citric acid content, which is hard on bearded dragons’ digestive systems. Despite not strictly being citrus fruits, tomatoes do contain some citric acid. Because they can result in severe diarrhoea and dehydration, they should not be consumed on a regular basis.

How Are Tomatoes Consumed by Bearded Dragons?

Realistically, bearded dragons can only consume approximately a quarter of a tomato per month. This isn’t much, but with a dish that has so many potential hazards, it’s best to be safe than sorry.

Use that tomato reward to persuade your bearded dragon to consume his salad. The ideal way to serve it is as follows:

Peel and thoroughly wash the tomato.

Take the seeds out.

Slice the tomato quarter’s flesh into small pieces.

Pro tip: You need not bother about preparing tomatoes because they may be served raw.

Do Bearded Dragons Consume Tomato Stems and Leaves?

In reality, tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family. Their vines, flowers, leaves, and stems all contain highly deadly alkaloids. Give none of them to your beardie without a doubt!

What may be eaten by bearded dragons more frequently than tomatoes?

Try some of the following if you’re looking for an alternate fruit or vegetable to feed your beardie:

A healthy, balanced diet for your bearded dragon must include fruit and vegetables, and tomatoes do have some wonderful health advantages. Just be careful to give your beardie the right amount to eat.

Do Bearded Dragons Benefit from Tomatoes? 

Tomatoes have a number of nutritional advantages for bearded dragons, including:

Beta carotene is quite well-found in tomatoes.

This transforms into vitamin A, which is necessary for protein synthesis, healthy skin development, and vision. However, consuming too much vitamin A might be harmful.

Therefore, owners should use caution while giving foods like sweet potatoes, which have a very high vitamin A content, to tomatoes. This is especially true if the multivitamin the bearded dragon is receiving already contains vitamin A.

They are a wonderful source of lycopene and other antioxidants, which support heart health and the immune system.

Additionally beneficial to the skin and anti-inflammatory, lycopene.

Because tomatoes have little sugar, they are preferable to other fruits.

Tooth damage, unwanted weight gain, and digestive problems are all effects of high sugar intake. This is one reason why owners should never give their pet dragon more than 10% of fruit-containing plant material.

They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is necessary for the development, maintenance, and repair of all bodily tissues.

C is a great immune system builder and antioxidant.

Tomatoes contain folate (vitamin B9) as well.

It is necessary for cell proliferation and beneficial for the reproductive health of pregnant pet dragons.

Additionally, tomatoes include potassium and vitamin K, two essential nutrients for blood coagulation. The body needs potassium to control blood sugar levels.

Oxalates or oxalic acid are few in them.

Oxalates are toxic because they bind to calcium and stop it from being taken into the bloodstream, making foods high in oxalates harmful.

This may result in a calcium shortage and ultimately metabolic bone disease (MBD). It is extremely crippling for bearded dragons and results in bones that are shrinking and lethargy.

They may begin to limp as the condition progresses, and eventually they may find it impossible to stand up by themselves. Kidney stones, also known as calculi, can develop in the renal system as a result of binding with calcium.

Risks to Health from Tomatoes

Unfortunately, consuming tomatoes on a regular basis might lead to health problems:

Calcium, a vitamin that bears need, is not found in sufficient quantities in tomatoes.

For bears, a deficiency in calcium is extremely harmful. As a result, owners typically give their pets a calcium supplement, which is typically available at most pet stores, as part of a balanced diet. Additionally, they feed their pet dragons calcium-rich dark leafy greens and gut-load feeder insects to make sure they get adequate calcium.

Tomatoes are not only deficient in calcium, but also have a poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 0.2:1.

For bearded dragons, the optimum ratio ranges from 1.5:1 to 2:1. This is significant because excess phosphorus functions in a manner that is identical to that of oxalates. It binds to calcium and prevents calcium absorption. Kidney stones may then result from this mineral combination, although MBD may also result from it.

Citric acid is present in tomato fruits.

Even while they are not as acidic as citrus fruits, this acidity can nonetheless lead to diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal problems. This can therefore cause our pet dragons to get dehydrated. Acidity also hinders the absorption of crucial nutrients in the intestines, leading to deficiencies and imbalances in dragons.

Additionally, tomatoes contain 95% water.

This can appear to be a great source of water at first glance. However, overfeeding foods with a high water content, such as watermelon and iceberg lettuce, can cause diarrhoea and dehydration. Bearded dragons are not accustomed to much dampness because they evolved in the desert.

How Do I Feed Tomatoes to Bearded Dragons?

To give tomatoes to your bearded dragon, follow these steps:

The tomato should be well-washed.

Choose one quarter from a full-sized tomato after cutting it into quarters. Cut two grape tomatoes into quarters if you’re using them.

Peel a quarter of a full-sized tomato if you’re using one. If you’re using grape tomatoes, there’s no need.

Use a teaspoon to remove all the seeds, and then run water over the tomato’s interior to be sure you’ve done so.

The tomato should be cut into pieces roughly the size of M&Ms.

The majority of bearded dragons adore tomatoes, which are a pleasant addition to their diet.

If you want your bearded dragon to experience the positive health effects of tomatoes rather of the bad ones, it’s critical to prepare them properly.

Fresh tomatoes should not be fed on their own, per our advice.

While they have many health advantages, it’s ideal to use them in a salad that can support a balanced diet.

We advise combining the tomato slices with leafy greens like spinach and mustard greens.

It can be much easier if your bearded dragon has a lovely feeding bowl because you can quickly put together a “salad” in the dish before placing it in the enclosure.

Calcium is essential for bearded dragons. Just before serving the salad to your dragon, don’t forget to sprinkle it with a top-notch calcium supplement.

The Dangers of Feeding Tomatoes to Your Bearded Dragon

The dangers of feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon can frequently make this practise appear riskier than it is. The general composition of their diet and you, as their owner, are ultimately in charge.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

Can bearded dragons eat bananas?

It’s a natural finding that can bearded dragons eat bananas. Are you a bearded dragon owner? Who has noticed that your bearded dragon is acting lethargic, not eating as much as usual? Or not moving around as much? Bananas can give to your beardie warm or cold. Some good veggies include carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, potatoes. And baby food squash. Know the reality of can bearded dragons eating bananas.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

Bananas can be fed to your dragon daily in smaller portions.

Some good tips for preparing bananas are to cut the banana into little pieces. Or mash it up into a smoothie consistency. You can also add calcium to the banana and veggie mix (for example, calcium powder). Which can provide extra nutrients that can help with bone health and digestion. Which meet that can bearded dragons eat bananas.

You should only feed your bearded dragons bananas occasionally. Because they contain natural sugars (fructose). Which can interfere with their blood sugar levels. Bananas should not give to dragons. That have diabetes or other metabolic diseases such as anorexia nervosa. They can however give as a treat while training or when you want your bearded dragon to come and interact with you. Remember that too much of a good thing can be unhealthy for your dragon, so don’t give them bananas every day.

If you want to know can bearded dragons eat bananas? Please inform. Bearded dragons can eat bananas as a fruit snack. To provide extra nutrients and can help supplement their diet. Make sure that you only feed the banana once a week. Because it can contain natural sugars. Which can interfere with their blood sugar levels. If you want to try feeding your beardie a banana. Use these tips to prepare them properly before giving them to your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

How often to feed Bearded Dragons Banana and can bearded dragons eat bananas

 Banana should only give as a treat, once every other week-ish. It’s important that you don’t overfeed your Beardie with fruit. Because it has no benefit for them nutritionally and can lead to serious health problems. Know the details can bearded dragons eat bananas. If you feed them too much of it they might get diarrhea. Or constipation which will cause serious problems. If you don’t change their diet immediately. This will meet the confusion that can bearded dragons eat bananas.

What are the benefits Banana provides?

 Banana is extremely nutritious for Bearded Dragons. However, there are no significant benefits to feeding your Beardie more than once every other week. Due to its high nutritional value. fruits contain 90% water so it’s important to note that this will also cause a problem if too much fed. Know the can bearded dragons eat bananas.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

What are the cons of Banana?

 Bananas, as stated earlier, contain 90% water. Feeding your Beardie too many fruits can lead to serious problems. With Bearded Dragons not being able to digest it properly. It’s also extremely high in sugar and some people have said it caused their Beardies diabetes. As well as other health issues such as kidney stones. Another thing is that. You should never give them seeds from the fruit. Or vegetables because they might choke on them or get an impaction. Which can be fatal if not treated immediately by a vet. So you know can bearded dragons eat bananas.


Can bearded dragons eat strawberries?

Strawberries are a sweet and nutritious fruit that can find in the market year-round. This article will focus on how to feed this fruit to your pet bearded dragon.

We all know that there are different kinds of foods out there for our pets, but what about berries?

Berries have many nutrients good for reptiles. They are rich in Vitamin C. Which helps their immune system become stronger. So they can fight off diseases better. It is very important that Leafs get enough calcium. Because it contains calcium, natural phosphorus. And magnesium can help with strong bones and teeth. Strawberries also have potassium and iron which are great for energy.

The next you might say is “These strawberries are not as red as I thought they would be.” Well, there is a reason for that. The nutrition inside of the strawberries changes the color to make them healthier. And better for your pet.

In conclusion, feeding your bearded dragon strawberries will benefit him. Because it gives him Vitamin C. Which will help boost his immune system. And give him stronger teeth and bones. It also gives them potassium which helps with energy and much more good stuff. Feeding your reptile strawberries is a really good decision.

can bearded dragons eat strawberries

Bearded dragons can eat strawberries and its Pros and cons

 Strawberries are very healthy for your bearded dragon. They provide vitamins and nutrients. So it is definitely beneficial to feed them strawberries. However, there is a risk of stomach upset if you give them too many. So limit how many you feed them, don’t just let your beardies eat as much as they want. As long as you watch the quantity that you give your beardie then it will be ok. But if not fed in moderation then they can cause serious problems such as diarrhea. Also, these fruits contain oxalate crystals. This means that the fruit itself has little calcium content. Until the crystals destroy by cooking or freezing. So make sure to remove the stems and leaves before feeding them raw strawberries. Or completely cook them when making them into a puree.

Also, too much of anything is bad for your bearded dragon, not just strawberries. So you have to make sure that they are eating enough of their regular food/diet. As well as ensure healthy growth and weight maintenance.

You also do not want to feed them the leaves or the stems. Only the actual red fruit part without any seeds or stems attached. This can feed whole or slice up depending on how large it is. However, if it’s cut then it’s best to wait until after feeding all their regular food. Before giving them strawberries. Otherwise, it will cause diarrhea due to the extra fiber content in the fruit. Also, avoid overfeeding with these fruits. Because they can lead to diarrhea which leads to dehydration. Which leads to death, just like any other fruit.

Can bearded dragons eat apples

Can bearded dragons eat apples?

Bearded dragons love apples, but before feeding them to them make sure you remove all the seeds. Black seeds from apples may be poisonous for bearded dragon lizards.

And of course, don’t feed your pet with rotten or moldy apples. Make sure not to serve your pet too many apple slices because they’re high in sugar and low in calcium.

The chemical compound found within apple seeds is called amygdalin/amygdaloid acid. When this compound mixes with water or saliva it forms hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a chemical used as a pesticide and an active ingredient in deadly poison gas. This is why we need to separate the amygdalin from apple seeds and remove them before feeding them to our pets.

Altogether, this means that even though bearded dragons can eat apples, you should not feed your pet with too many apple slices because they’re high in sugar and low in calcium. Also, always remember to remove the black seed.

Can bearded dragons eat apples

Bearded Dragon Diet

The bearded dragon is a popular type of pet lizard that comes from the dry, rocky deserts of Australia and nearby islands. They are also naturally accustomed to hot, arid weather. These lizards come in many colors and patterns, usually depending on their place of origin: central bearded dragons tend to be reddish-brown with red and yellow markings; west coast dragons tend to be bluish or grayish-green with white and yellow stripes; east cost dragons have dark blackish/gray bodies with white markings.

When it comes to size, they can reach up to 60 centimeters (24 inches), so owners should plan for the long term when deciding whether or not they want a bearded dragon as a pet.

Bearded dragons are generally not picky eaters. Their natural diet consists of hearty vegetables, such as the prickly pear cactus. In captivity, owners can feed their bearded dragons greens, pinky mice, crickets, silkworms, locusts, hornworms, butter worms, roaches (insect), earthworms, wax worms, or even small fruit pieces like apple slices. However, it’s also important to note that all foods should be washed thoroughly before giving them to your bearded dragon.

Pros and Cons of bearded dragons eat apples

Many people don’t know what to feed their bearded dragon, so they turn to pet stores for advice. They are told to give their beardie apples. It is even printed on the bags that some apple varieties come in “Bearded Dragon Food!” Unfortunately, this is not correct at all. Have you ever seen a wild bearded dragon eating an apple? No, neither have I- not once! The closest thing that beardies eat to apples is pears or peaches.


Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t feed your pet dragons apples:

1. Not very nutritious at all – Apples are high in sugar and low in nutrients. Bearded dragons need foods with low sugar content because too much can cause metabolic bone disease. They also need high amounts of calcium in their diet, which are found in dark green leafy vegetables, not fruit.

2. Can make your dragon sick – Apples contain chemicals that can cause irritation and upset the digestive system of a bearded dragon. One chemical is amygdalin. When an animal or human eats amygdalin, it gets broken down and creates cyanide- which is toxic to all living things!

Be sure to research before feeding anything new to your beardies. Always check for any allergies too by carefully watching how they react after eating something new. You will never know what kind of harm you could be causing if you do not take care when trying out new foods for your pet dragons.

can bearded dragons eat eggs

Can bearded dragons eat eggs?

Can bearded dragons eat eggs? In theory, the answer is yes. One of the most common questions I receive from visitors to my home is whether they can keep baby bearded dragons. The answer is yes, but you need to be aware of the risks.


If you are still confused as can bearded dragons eat bananas. We are happy to inform you that. Bearded dragons are carnivores that in the wild will eat anything from small rodents and lizards to insects. In captivity, they can be fed a commercially prepared dry diet, mixed with vegetables and fruit sources of moisture. Most people feed their bearded dragon a staple diet of 50-60% vegetables, 10–30% fruits, 20–25% protein-based foods such as mealworms or crickets, and 5-15% commercial bearded dragon food products at each feeding. Many have found success using commonly available dog food when feeding pets which helps increase the bulk of their stool samples when being used in conjunction with medications for internal parasites. Hope this will meat can bearded dragons eat bananas.

Courage the Cowardly Dog Villains Characters | House-Scooby Doo-Cast

Courage the Cowardly Dog Villains Characters | House-Scooby Doo-Cast

Courage the cowardly dog villains

To show courage the cowardly dog is an oldie but a goody by modern standards. The show’s antagonist, Eustace Bagge. Considered to be the greatest cartoon villain of all time. He has even cites as so by other professions outside of entertainment. Such as salesmen and dentists. This is because the cowardly dog villains are so despicable. That they can give their audience nightmares long after they leave the screen.

Eustace Bagge served many purposes in his role. As one of the courage’s primary antagonists. For starters, he served courageously with somebody. Who was truly evil rather than just misunderstood, like most cartoon villains. However, this may also serve to limit courage’s ability liked by children watching it. On top of that, courage’s true purpose is to teach good morals to children. And courage the cowardly dog villains still do that.

Many actors like to use courage as their first role rather than a supporting character. Such as Hercules or Zeus because courage serves as a springboard for both fame and glory. The reason courage is not as well known. As those other legends say, courage was specifically made by animation studios. With the goal of creating someone likable. But still evil enough that children taught good values. While it worked for this one, show courage may not work there anymore and retire from active duty.

Courage the cowardly dog

Courage the Cowardly Dog is a heated cartoon. The Chicken From Outside Space screens for Best Animation Short Film Oscars in 1996. It was the pilot episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog. One of the most adventurous and disturbing children’s shows ever produced. Courage was the first comedy series created by the Network. After the first episode after the pilot. The show is as haunting as a cartoon. The show is one of Cartoon Network’s most adventurous. And disturbing children’s films ever produced. It aired on network-owned television in November 1999 with an episode of a comic book.

Fifteen years after Courage, the cowardly dog’s last TV appearance, the show is still loved by many.

However, not everyone is happy about this. “I think it’s total rot. I was only eight when Courage the cowardly dog first came out and it made me want to be a coward too,” says Jeremy Fritton.

On Drusilla Island, Drusilla Wolfson said, “That stupid show will never come on my island again.”

Many people feel upset. Because they feel that courage should have kept being broadcast. However, there are others who are just as outraged at the idea of having that show ever come back at all.

People everywhere are saying that that show is just an excuse to teach kids being a coward is okay. It also teaches that you should give up on your dreams, for example, Courage’s dream of being a police dog.

At the time of this story, there are no plans for the courage to make its way back onto TV anytime soon. There are rumors though that one day it will return, no one knows if they are true or not yet.

Whatever happened with courage

Is he still out there fighting villains and protecting the innocent? Maybe he retired from crime-fighting to live in peace with Muriel and Eustace. Only time will tell, until then we can only hope for his return.


Is it just me, or does Courage the Cowardly Dog have a weird premise? I mean, most people would think so.

I’m pretty sure most people are thinking this too. If you’re not, here’s some evidence:


 The show has an intro which is only shown on about half of the episodes. It says, “Courage runs away from everything, even his own shadow.” That sounds like something someone with severe anxiety disorder would say. They run away from their own shadows. And also see said shadows as proof of whatever delusion they’re suffering. Or if they’re not suffering any delusions. And simply trying to avoid confrontations/pain/whatever.

That sounds like something someone was severely anxious would do. My point is, I’m pretty sure the intro to the show meant to make us think that Courage is afraid of his own shadow.


The show also has a lot of eye-related jokes. Things like when Muriel pops up in the background. When Eustace and Courage are looking at each other. And she has huge eyes, or when Courage’s parents come out of their graves. And “drag” him into Hell which he sees as a perfectly ordinary house. One can take this as symbolism for how creepy things look. From the perspective of someone who’s severely anxious. 


The neighbor lady says she doesn’t get what all the fuss about her garden was about. Because it looked so normal from far away. In fact, she says, it looked beautiful. This meant to contrast with Courage’s view of the garden. As a nightmarish monster thing. But I think this was also intended to show how things can look different. From someone who’s severely anxious vs. someone who isn’t.


The line about Courage running away from everything. Even his own shadow has another interpretation. Maybe the writers were going for a parody of other famous cartoon dogs. Maybe Courage isn’t scared by himself. He actually fears other things that are scarier than him (like monsters and aliens). In fact, this would explain why Courage doesn’t mind Eustace as much as he does most people. After all, Eustace often beats up those monsters or whatever they are.

In this way, Courage isn’t actually cowardly. He’s just warped by his environment. In other words, the show is a commentary on how mental illness can be a product of one’s surroundings. Rather than something inherently wrong with the patient. I don’t know if that was the writers’ intention. But it seems to me that they were going for something along those lines. Instead of making a standard dog cartoon. Just my two cents though. Consider this an open-ended question: what do you think? Is there any merit to what I’m saying? Do you even like Courage or maybe hate it?

The plot, Courage the cowardly dog

  • Courage is an American animated television series. Created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network. Originally as a part of the network’s Cartoon Cartoons block later known as the What A Cartoon Show. It is set in the fictional town of Nowhere, Wisconsin. And centers on Courage, a cowardly dog. They must overcome all fears to protect his unknowing farmer owner Muriel Bagge. And Eustace Bagge from all forms of danger. Including monsters and aliens. That appears out of nowhere, usually causing havoc with their plans to take over Earth or eat Eustace.
  • The cartoon format allowed the creators to create many unusual settings. And scenarios since animated cartoons were not tied down. To reality or budgetary concerns while still remaining funny.
  • The series follows Courage, a small black dog terrified of just about everything. However, he will embark on adventures to help his owners, Eustace and Muriel Bagge. Despite any danger that may come his way.
  •  Courage’s greatest fears are the monstrous but dim-witted alien invader Eustace Bagge. Who torments Courage out of jealousy because Muriel loves him more than she does Eustace. And the “Chicken from Outer Space ” is an evil shape-shifting chicken. From another world bent on eating every Earth creature. It can along its path of destruction including Eustace himself.
  • He’s also tormented by a trio of nasty, flea-bag alley cats known as. The Churches whose main goal in life is to beat Courage into their yard. So they can have the run of the whole neighborhood uninterrupted.

Other creatures

There are also other creatures. Who exists in Nowhere that are bigger than these three whom Courage has to face. But are usually not seen until later episodes or sequels. Such as giant baby chicks and ducks. Various dinosaurs, werewolves, vampires. Three ugly sisters enchanted by an old hag at Halloween time. That turns into witchy hags themselves when seeing light. During daytime hours or crossing water under moonlight. Another alien invader like Eustace but with a big, sharp mouth. And huge teeth called The Cajun Fox. A vampire bat turns into a vampire girl when it hears loud music.

Or sees the sun. A bunny monster. Who sometimes gets loose from Muriel’s vegetable garden to devour those. Who gets in his way of finding carrots. An evil-looking old woman named Ma Bagge is actually Eustace’s sister. Whom he calls “Crazy Old Mom” as she never lets him have any fun. She also likes to eat cats for lunch. Or dinner or breakfast depending on what time of day it is. But her favorite meal is raw meatloaf made out of Eustace himself.

Twist of show

Some of the stories put Courage in a different role as a protagonist. Such as an unscrupulous sea captain who sinks fishing vessels. And then feeds his victims to sharks. Or giant man-eating clams along the ocean floor. A police officer named Lt. Le Quack from outer space after capturing him. Originally as an outlaw from another one of his own worlds. Who sends him down to Earth to capture criminals sent there by himself. Whom he has been tracking for years before catching. But now takes it upon himself to rid the town of crime. Through any means necessary with no regard for due process nor innocent lives. They get caught up in it all just so he can keep getting promoted until he becomes the chief of police.

The series consists of nine seasons and 78 episodes. With 3 “Courage the Cowardly Dog” TV movies under its belt.

There are also four video games based on this cartoon show that make to date.

Courage has a huge crush on Dr. Liz Asher who is an astronomer from another planet. Whom he saved one day while she was out looking for new planets to explore along with her little dog named Kitten. Since then, she keeps coming back to visit him every so often. But disappears halfway through their journey back to Earth for unknown reasons.

Turnover the story

Courage’s favorite food is a perfect bowl of steaming hot. Bacon-flavored tofu soup with maple syrup and soy sauce. But because he is the only one in his family. Who eats it, Muriel has stopped making it for him so he makes it himself in secret. But whenever Eustace finds out about this perfect dish. And tries to take a taste himself, Courage goes into a wild fit of rage. To keep him away from it before the force stops when Muriel scolds them both afterward.

The names of the two main characters inspired by Fred Gipson’s novel. Old Yeller where Travis’s main character had an old. A stray yellow dog named Old Yeller he found in the woods one day. Who turned out to be his faithful companion through thick and thin. Even though they went through some really tough times together.

 Eustace is based on Douglas’s “Wrong Way” Corrigan. He flew an airplane from New York all the way to Dublin, Ireland. Instead of San Diego, California where he supposes to land. He never came back home after that. So people thought maybe he got lost or died along the way. But thirty-seven years later. He finally showed up back at his old house. With a knock on the door one night. After everyone had given up on him coming back alive with no explanation for where he’d been all this time.


Ever since the show’s original run. Fans have wondered what would happen if Courage was ever caught in the portal. He once created it at the beginning of an episode. Many ideas and suggestions about how this would turn out for our favorite cartoon pooch. But none so far has come close to revealing the true nature of the beast. It is my opinion that it is about time someone took up writing on this subject. And attempt to shed some light on what could possibly befall him should such an event take place.

It has become evident in recent years that Cartoon Network is not going to reboot. Courage the Cowardly Dog anytime soon. However shameful it may be, it is a fact that must accept and understood by everyone. Who continues to hold it near and dear to their hearts.

This brings us neatly into our next topic of discussion. “What exactly happened when Courage sucked. Into the wormhole, he created back in the original series finale?”

In other media appearances 

Emotional range

Courage has a very high emotional range as he’s easily excited and often frightened. He uses this for his own gain. Disregarding what others think of him. He’ll do anything that makes him happy or will support those close to him. He cares deeply for those around him and goes out of his way to make sure they’re safe and happy. For example, in one episode his owners (a young boy and girl) replaces by doubles from another universe. Who was cold-hearted and cruel despite looking identical to them. Frustrated with their behavior. They return home shortly after left alone once so that ‘their’ parents can look after them again. Another instance is when he offers himself to be the meal for a giant monster. Rather than allow Muriel and Eustace, two old friends of his who were visiting at the time, to become victims.

This is also seen in the sequel series. “The New Adventures of Courage” where he goes very far out of his way (at times putting others’ lives in danger). To ensure that whatever trivial problem is occurring. For whatever characters he interacts with getting resolved. He often displays childlike qualities despite being an adult. This is especially true during episodes involving creatures. That resembles children or playthings like teddy bears.


Despite his cowardly nature, courage has shown to care deeply about those around him. Whether it’s family, friends, or even creatures he’s never met. For example, in “Ball of Revenge” Courage goes out of his way to make sure the innocent citizens are Eustace. And Muriel is safe after they find themselves under attack by the inhabitants of the ball. That Courage accidentally freed from his owner’s room. After Eustace throws it into Muriel’s purse. The inhabitants were only trying to have their ball back. As it was their favorite toy/toy holder before locked. As time progresses throughout the episode. Courage finds himself putting others’ safety over his own. Which results in him becoming captured by the beings. After proving his loyalty. Courage is set free so that he can help defeat them so they would return home peacefully.


In contrast to his loyal and caring nature. Courage is pessimistic due to the surrealistic nature of the world he lives in. He’s shown to be a very nihilistic character. As he believes that nothing good ever happens to anyone around him. Despite evidence to the contrary. For example: In “The Mask” Courage tasks with finding. And retrieving a golden mask. Possessed by an ancient demon. So its spirit can finally rest after roaming the earth for thousands of years. Despite the dangers, courage manages to find and return it within minutes. When Eustace learns of this feat. He immediately takes the mask from courage before telling him “how easily impressed I am”.

Another example would be in “Bug From The Outside”. Where courage task with making sure the house he lives in isn’t invaded by. Earth’s deadliest insect. Despite this being a fairly simple task. Courage instead devotes himself to successfully protecting his family primarily. Because of their lack of appreciation towards him.


Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated horror-comedy television series. Created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network. As part of the network’s Cartoon Cartoons block. The series centers on a physically weaker but mentally stronger dog. Named Muriel Bagge and her husband Eustace Bagge, owners of Muriel and who live in the middle of Nowhere. The show is set in a fictional location called “Nowhere”, Kansas (a parody of Middle America). And focuses on the crazy escapades of Courage. As he protects his owners from various paranormal events. That they encounter each other in an episode. These include cultists, aliens, mad scientists, and supernatural beings. And other dangers which are menacing but turn out to be benign.

Courage the cowardly dog tattoo

There are many reasons why people like to get tattooed. Maybe they want a reminder of their favorite movie line. Or an image that explains their life story. Something that will make others do a double-take and recognize the symbol on their body. While it is true that some simply love tattoos. And can’t imagine having any other kind of art on their skin. Most would not deny that there’s also another reason: the shock factor! When people see your tattoo, good or bad attention is sure to draw.

Some brave souls decide to embrace this idea. By getting tattoos depicting things that they’re simply not supposed to have. With those who love horror movies. And all things considered “taboo” are usually at the top of such lists. We present you with five of the most intriguing tattoo ideas. That is bound to get more than a few people thinking “What were they THINKING?”

For some reason, there are people who actually want to get tattoos of characters. From children’s shows. Maybe they’re trying to show their loyalty to something innocent and pure. Maybe it’s just because they have some childhood trauma. That they’d rather not probe too deeply into! Either way, here is one example of this kind of tattoo: courage the cowardly dog! What could be more innocent than a cartoon about a dog?

This canine hero has gone on countless adventures with his master. Whether trying to stop an evil scientist or challenging powerful aliens. That has come down from space. This particular tattoo depicts him in his most famous adventure. In which he saves the world from a giant black hole created by an equally giant chicken.


Just don’t make too much fun of him after getting this tattoo.

Sometimes when people get tattoos of things they love, they want it to be as realistic as possible. While some might call them crazy. Others consider these tattoos aesthetically pleasing and cannot stop staring at them! Here are five examples of beautiful realism tattoos depicting our favorite monsters.

Dracula is one of literature’s most popular characters. Possibly because everyone can relate to being alone on a cold night. But what if he had children? Well, you’d probably get something like this tattoo design. This shows how Dracula would look if he had a girl and boy. The little one’s name may be Alucard, but it’s unknown if “Dracula” would still be their last name.

It’s quite ironic how so many people want to have tattoos of movie monsters. Yet they don’t realize that their designs will never live up to the real thing. But here is a much better version of Frankenstein’s monster. This tattoo artist decided not to go with a single flat color. As most other artists do but create an actual 3D effect! This makes his work truly stand out from the rest.

In case you’re wondering why he has chains around his neck, well. It could just be part of his cool steampunk design. Or maybe those suppose to represent the chains we put around our imagination. Next is a beautifully designed werewolf tattoo that will truly be alive as soon as you see it.

Tattoo Artist

The artist’s use of light and shadow here creates an amazing effect. One that makes us feel like we’re looking at actual fur growing out from under the skin. Werewolves are not truly werewolves. Their transformation depends on both the phases of the moon. And how much energy they absorb from other sources. However, this tattoo would do well in either case. It looks just as good whether he’s completely transformed or not.

Courage the cowardly dog Katz

A courageous dog from Iloilo City ran a kilometer after a thief. Who stole his owner’s bag containing P10,000 and the dog’s own food money.

The two-year-old male mixed breed Curly was out for his morning walk with its female owner. Ms. Marissa Torrefranca, 28, when the incident happened at around 7:30 am on Tuesday.

Curly’s barking caught Torrefranca’s attention. As she saw a man running away from her house in Sitio Amihan. Barangay (village) Bigaa Norte with her bag. Which contained cash and the dog’s five-day food supply.

“When I opened my gate and called him back to come inside. He was already running after the suspect who stole my bag.” Torrefranca told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Torrefranca said she saw off her husband at 6 am but did not close their gate. She noticed that their things were scattered when she checked in the morning.

“I immediately screamed and cried when I found out what happened. But Curly didn’t seem to mind it,” said Torrefranca. “He just sat beside me, licking my hand.”

Torrefranca said she ran after her dog until they reached a bridge in Barangay Diana. But I lost sight of him because of heavy traffic.

Courage the cowardly dog villains: Theory

Fears about courage’s old age aside, many people consider his greatest villainy. To be something called “reverse empathy”. Which has to be defined as trying to make somebody feel guilty for something courage is supposed to do. The most common form of courage for the cowardly dog villains is “reverse empathy”. But others include telling me that he’s too old. Or irrelevant which meant to give courage to the idea that somebody cares about him.

Eustace’s so-called courage is the cowardly dog villain. Usually involves him trying to look cool in front of his crush Muriel Bagge. This may be because Eustace views courage as a threat to his relationship. With Muriel who is also Courage’s owner. Reverse empathy uses by many cartoon villains. Even modern ones but courage’s are some of the best examples out there. Make sure not to miss one if you’re watching courage on boomerang.

Courage the cowardly dog characters

Courage The Cowardly Dog is an American animated horror-comedy television series. Created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network Studios. And currently airing on the sister network Boomerang in the United States. Since its debut on August 31st, 1999. 143 episodes aired throughout its original run spanning four seasons. The show’s premise focuses on a dog named courage the cowardly dog courage.

What are Courage The Cowardly Dog characters?

Not including the theme song of courage the cowardly dog characters. That is courageous, but if they were he would be furry. And not have one ear up and one ear down with a white face. And a brown body with a stripe down its back, depending upon how you interpret it. Courage is a small white shaggy dog terrified of just about everything. Despite his phobia. However, he is also very loyal to Eustace Bagge (who lives in an old house) and Muriel Bagge (his wife). While not working as a pet, courage the cowardly dog courage.

Courage has a lot of other redeeming virtues. Courage is very good with children. Loves to eat and drink, and can sense danger when it comes – he can even smell fear in some cases. Unfortunately for him, his fears are usually stronger than his abilities. To sniff out trouble. He can also spin around at incredible speeds. When frightened by something that’s chasing him. Courage is great friends with many characters. Like Muriel Bagge. Malla Lisa Eustace. Bagge dr Leo brazil brain terry (his son). Shirley (his daughter) mouse lady, small boy sheepdog Cleo courage.

While being afraid of many things. He does have a few things that terrify him even more than the creatures he faces on a daily basis. Such things include spiders, termites, lunch meat, clowns, elevators, and most notably chickens. Enough to render him completely helpless with fear. He’s also frightened at the mere mention of witches. Who he believes will turn him into some form of the animal if they find out about his cowardice (which is often). Other fears might be centipedes or roller-skates.

Courage the cowardly dog Eustace

So, courage the cowardly dog Eustace. Eustace is the name of the character. Who transforms into various creatures throughout the series. Many people fail to notice this. Because they go ham on his appearance and scream like little girls (me included). Now that I’ve turned into a rage monster (heh) let’s get started.

What is Eustace really?

Eustace turns into all sorts of things in the show, but he doesn’t change species. Instead, he changes to doppelgangers of whatever creature it is. For example:

The dog-like creature with yellow eyes similar to Courage’s

This means that Eustace has some resemblance to Courage. Whether it be physical or emotional. There are times where Eustace will transform into larger creatures. They almost look like Godzilla, but they still retain the yellow eyes and his green color.

Courage: “He turns into monsters in his dreams”

This statement is important to remember when we ask about what Eustace represents. Courage says this in the episode where Eustace finds a job as a scarecrow. Because everyone has nightmares about him (he’s scary). If you watch other episodes, Such as ‘The Tower of Dr. Zalost’ and ‘Astral Monkey’. You can see that these creatures represent things within people (emotions, life struggles, etc.). So, if courage is telling us that everyone has nightmares about Eustace. Then maybe he represents something inside of us that we try to suppress.

What does Eustace represent?

Eustace is a representation of our innermost thoughts and feelings. Typically the ones we try not to show or face ourselves. This is why he turns into various creatures. Because we express different aspects of ourselves at different times. Depending on how we view the world around us. Just like you’re reading this blog post on whatever device you’re using. For example:

The two-headed creature with one green eye. And one red eye similar to Eustace’s two heads. I look at this picture and immediately think about someone. Who has an internal struggle? That manifests itself externally in the form of bipolar disorder? They have two sides of themselves fighting against each other. Which causes some major issues in their life. People who experience this were most likely not supported properly in the past. And/or may have suffered some type of abuse, like Eustace (and me), did when he was a child. It’s also important to remember that everyone has it. Even if you don’t experience it yourself, at least one person close to you probably does.

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas | Outdoor | Backyard | With Ashes | Dog and Cat

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas | Outdoor | Backyard | With Ashes | Dog and Cat

Pet memorial garden ideas or pet memorial ideas for the garden come with emotions. People love their pets. Pets become an integral part of the family and losing one can be devastating, especially unexpectedly. It can leave you all alone in ways like never before. And make your heartache like no other pain you’ve ever felt. Furthermore, it brings to light many issues that we usually ignore or avoid. Feelings we don’t want to think about.

Death of a Pet

Pet memorial garden ideas

It is very complicated and complex for everyone involved in the grieving process. For those who have lost a pet. And those left behind to deal with the loss and the emotions that come with it. You might feel guilty. You’re not sad enough (or you’re too low), angry at yourself. You feel like there’s something wrong with you. If you’re not crying or worried that others will think your grief isn’t normal. And natural because your pet was just a pet.

No matter how it happens, knowing that this is entirely normal and okay. There is no right or wrong way to grieve for a pet. The best thing you can do for yourself is to accept the way you feel. pet memorial ideas for the garden. And allow yourself to experience everything your loss brings up without judgment. Using good self-care strategies like reflection, journaling, talking about it, sharing memories, spending memorable time alone honoring your beloved pet. And their memory, in whatever ways, helps ease the pain of their loss. While allowing new life and love into your world again.

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas

The main theme of Pet memorial ideas for the garden

Many people like to include a memorial stone, bench, or other types of garden structure. Such as a birdbath in their yard as a way to honor and remember deceased pets. Many people make pet memorial ideas for the garden. The following pet memorial ideas for the garden will give you all sorts of helpful tips. And advice about how to go about doing just that:

Make a Pet Memorial


A pet memorial stone is a great way to honor your deceased animal companion. This will guide you on how to make your pet memorial stone.

Make a Pet Memorial Bench

Here’s an easy project that you can complete in less than two days. And using supplies readily available at any home improvement store (Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc.). Parts of the bench together with screws. However, I would recommend buying wood glue because it will strengthen the structure. Especially where the back legs meet the seat. Please take caution if you decide to use wood glue, though. This type of glue emits toxic fumes that can be harmful if inhaled. If you plan to sit on the bench, you might want to glue the joints with waterproof carpenters adhesive instead. Think of pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Make a Pet Memorial Bird Bath

This easy-to-build birdbath is in honor of our beloved cat and best friend, Sydney. We placed it under the giant oak tree in our backyard because we knew she would have enjoyed watching all of the birds from above. If you’re not sure whether your pet would approve of such a gift, why not add their favorite toys instead? That way, they can watch their pals play through.

Pet Memorial Activities

Some possibilities include scattering them at the place where your pet was happiest. Burying them in your yard. Storing them in a special container for display on shelves or tables. Spreading them under trees or around flowers in a favorite park or garden. Making jewelry out of some of the ashes and wearing it close to the heart. Giving the cremains to a pet lover. Making them into paintable plaques. Turning them into memorial keepsakes (e.g. paperweights or other mementos), and even throwing them out to sea.

With careful planning ahead of time. The special part of your heart reserved for your four-footed friend will never go away or be forgotten.

The rest of this article discusses how different types of people choose to remember their pets. With various forms of pet memorial activities after they pass on.

Non-Pet Owners:

If you are not interested in any sort of pet memorial activity. Then just skip ahead to the next section entitled “Gardeners and Nature Lovers” As pet memorial ideas for the garden

Pet Owners:

If at all possible, it is sometimes best to do a pet memorial activity while your pet is still alive. This way you can get to know the person or people who will be doing the memorial activity for you. For example, if you wish to have your ashes spread somewhere special. Why not go out with your loved one and explore the spot together. Then when they pass on, you know you will be leaving them in a place. That was important to both of you.

If this is impractical due to illness or other circumstances. Then definitely find someone trustworthy. And familiar with the area in which your pet spent their happiest days. In order to choose a final resting place in advance for pet memorial ideas for the garden.

pet memorial garden

Garden Related Pet Memorial Ideas

It is a heart-breaking experience losing a pet. You try to be strong, but it can’t help but hurt your heart knowing you will never see them again. Pet memorials are a great way to memorialize the good times you had with your pet. As well as mark their passing in a respectful manner for pet memorial ideas for the garden. Pet memorials for the garden have been famous since the 1970s. They have changed over time from basic stone or marble slabs. To more artistic designs that better capture your pet’s personality.

According to Pet Death Dependency Trees, “garden-related pet memorial ideas” typically revolve around something involving foliage. Such as a tree, bushes, or flowers planted over the top of the gravesite. It’s small enough to dig up and take with you. If you plan to move, it also gives a nice focal point for your new yard. In addition, some people like to make their garden memorial an artistic work. That captures the personality of the pet who passed. Pet Safe Paws has some great ideas for Pet Memorials in the Garden. And like pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Another popular option is burying your pet’s favorite toy or even some treats along with them. So they’re not alone when they pass over to kitty heaven. If you’d rather keep your pet around like some garden statue. PetSmart offers some great options as pet memorial ideas for the garden. Pet owners are undoubtedly aware that cats love plenty of things without much effort. And one thing felines enjoy is basking in the sun with them daily. So why not immortalize this behavior with a statue of your cat in the garden.

Unique Pet Memorial Ideas

Pet Memorial Ideas for Your Home

Some many different ways to memorialize your beloved pet, like pet memorial ideas for the garden. And here are some ideas for you.

Idea 1

Draw a picture of the pet or favorite moment.

Idea 2

Have your other pets sign it with their paw prints like pet memorial ideas for the garden. The Pawprint Project is an easy way to do this. Just upload a photo of the animal (or use one that’s already on file). The site will then accept multiple prints from each of your animals. Which magically combine to form the animal’s signature in silhouette before back. All free of charge. Check it out by clicking here. You can also have custom stamps made online or at most office supply stores for under $10.

Idea 3

Scatter ashes in a particular place. Jayne has an ash scattering kit that comes with a map of the Northern Hemisphere with pins that easily attach to your urn or container. You can also buy some beautiful kits on Amazon. In addition, many sites allow you to choose where you’d like your ashes scattered, including Disney, Nintendo, and Celine Dion. Like pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Idea 4

Create an online memorial page dedicated to your pet. This is one of my favorites. You can do this for your dog DJ back when Myspace was more popular than Facebook. It’s completely free and easy.

Idea 5

Plant a beloved tree or plant in memory of your pet. You can consult this website for ideas and locations that allow you to plant a tree in memory of your pet. Other trees, such as cherry trees, also celebrate life, so be sure to check it out.

Idea 6

Create a gravestone in the form of an urn, shoes, or even jewelry (see here ). You can find markers at most cemeteries for under $100 if you don’t want to make one yourself (although I think it’s cool when people do).

Idea 7

Make a shadow box using essential items: toys, leashes, collars, photos, and other memorabilia.

Idea 8

Write a letter to your pet and read it to yourself. So that they’ll know how much you loved them in case they’re listening from another place in the afterlife. It is a good idea that you miss him. If you feel guilty for something, you did or didn’t do it. Because then your pet won’t have any regrets when they are in heaven. Or wherever pets go after euthanize. Maybe even with your lost family members. And fix up pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Idea 9

Decorate old picture frames or make a new frame from scratch with paint and decorate it however you’d like. For pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Idea 10

Make an album using pictures of you and your pet together. I did this for my mom using Shutter fly to look back on all of our memories together whenever she wanted.


Honoring Your Pet through Donations

You have just lost your pet.
Maybe you are heartbroken, and the pain is so intense,
Or you do not know how long you can stand it.
Pet memorial ideas for the garden

The tears fall onto your pet’s fur as you hold her one last time. The veterinarian came to your home to put her to sleep. Now she is gone forever.

You feel that perhaps things would be better if you had another pet, but the loss of the first pet has been so traumatic that this idea seems impossible.

Or perhaps you have considered getting another pet. Still, right now, it only brings up too many painful memories of the pet who died recently. And this brings up other questions in your mind about whether or not there was something more you could have done to prevent her death. So it seems better not to have a pet right now. And pet memorial ideas for the garden.

What can you do?

Well, one pet memorial idea is to donate your pet’s body to a research facility or laboratory that will accept pets for donation. This allows the pet to be valuable even after death and brings closure for pet owners who want nothing more than to honor their pet somehow. The man can start pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Suppose you do not want your pet’s body used in research after its death. In that case, pet memorial ideas might include pet taxidermy or freeze-dry pet preservation. You can also consider donating the pet’s body to a pet cemetery rather than having it taken away for disposal by a landfill. However, this is not necessarily cheaper than what will happen if you donate your pet’s body for scientific use.

What Happens When Your Pet Dies at Home?

When your pet dies at home without veterinary care, usually there are several choices on what can be done with the pet’s body:

1. Burial in a pet cemetery or pet gravesite, pet memorial garden or pet mausoleum; underground burial at home, pet funeral pyre. Pet memorial ideas for the garden

2. Cremation at pet crematory or pet funeral home; at home with pet cremation kit.

3. Donate the pet’s body to science e.g., for anatomy class dissection, animal research, organ transplant.

4. Animal taxidermy can be done professionally by an artist who specializes in this type of artwork, or you can do it yourself using the artistic talent that you have.

5. Pet freeze-dry preservation can be done professionally by a company specializing in this service, or you can do it yourself DIY pet freeze-dry pet preservation.

6. Pet cremation at a pet crematory can be done by a pet funeral home or pet crematory.

7. The pet cemetery burial is not always possible if the pet cemetery is full.

Thus, after your pet dies at home, the decision can involve several critical choices concerning options for what to do with your pet’s body. Burial, cremation, donation of the body to science, taxidermy, freeze-dry pet preservation, and pet cemetery interment for pet memorial ideas for the garden.

What about Burial versus Cremation?

Pets are often buried in a place that you will regularly visit to remember them fondly.

Personalized Pet Memorial Ideas

Suppose you have recently suffered the loss of a pet, whether it is due to illness, changing homes, or even tragedy such as an accident. In that case, this article may be able to help you. It has to be put together to give pet owners ideas and inspiration on pet memorials that they can create themselves. Pet memorial for garden or pet memorial ideas for the garden.

One of many pet memorial ideas that we came across while researching for this article was a pet urn in the form of a tree. This pet memorial tree sits in a garden and celebrates both life and death simultaneously. The leaves of the tree are cast from bronze and bear unique inscriptions commemorating each pet’s memory.

The following pet memorial idea is also one which takes strength from the passing of time. A pet’s ashes are added to the resin, then poured into a pet memorial urn.

More pet memorial ideas intended to be displayed in the garden are pet urns made from stone. The pet owner can mark these pet memorials with their pet’s name and dates of birth and death, along with an inscription. Pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Moving on now to pet memorial ideas designed for indoor use, one example is a pet urn made from porcelain. These pet memorials have been designed to look like turnips. Turnip-shaped pet urns are available in different sizes, so you can choose which one will suit your needs best.

Porcelain dog bowls will also make excellent pet memorials for inside the home if you prefer something slightly more traditional-looking.

Unique Pet Memorial Ideas

If you are a pet person who loves nature, you might be interested in pet memorial ideas for the garden. Pet memorial ideas for the garden. A pet is a furry friend that can be preserved after death and put into the ground to become part of nature once again.

A pet memorial in the garden is not something new. If anything, it’s an ancient tradition. Many pet owners find concrete ways to keep their pets close even when they’re no longer around. The only question is, what form of pet memorial should have to fit your wishes?

The most common way to immortalize your pet in this life is by creating a pet memorial bench. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most demanding forms. It requires durable material and gives plenty of space for creativity. Also the pet memorial ideas for the garden. However, suppose you have a pet cemetery in your garden. In that case, a pet urn can be an excellent pet memorial idea as well.

Ornamental pet urn is often used as a pet grave at the cemetery. Still, it may also have different purposes – to decorate your home or remind you of a pet even when you’re not around at the pet memorial site.

If you have pet cremated ashes, even an urn made from artificial materials can do just fine for a pet memorial idea. Putting them into a decorative vase and placing it on a shelf might be a way to keep their memory alive.

Unique thought

Pet memorial bench may seem like an expensive investment at first sight because it costs more than simply disposing of a pet without any ceremony. However, making a pet memorial bench for a pet cemetery may not be a bad idea. It’s an excellent opportunity to make a pet grave that you can visit from time to time and remember your pet, or sit down and relax surrounded by nature.

In the end, pet memorial ideas should fit both your budget and beliefs. For example, suppose you’re an environmentally conscious person who would like a pet to return to nature and have a pet memorial somewhere in the garden. In that case, this type of pet grave is worth considering. It’s a pet memorial site that should find its owner and will become part of family tradition after some time passes away. Pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Suppose you feel uncertain how pets should rest eternally but still want them close and visible for other people to learn the pet’s story. In that case, the pet urn on the pet memorial bench will be an excellent pet grave. First, you can have the pet cremated ashes put into pet urn, and then you can place the pet urn on any surface, preferably outside where your pet spent most of his days.

A pet cemetery may not be a popular idea in some people’s minds, but it still has its benefits. It would allow every pet owner to spend some time with their pet after death, marking special moments in life without spending too much money.

Unique plan

If you’re a big animal lover who thinks no one should ever kill pets for food or anything else that comes from nature, this is the right way to treat them once they are gone. Pet memorial bench is often decorated with personalized elements.

Still, pet cemeteries and pet cremated ashes urns may also have some exciting pet memorial ideas. If you don’t want to make a pet grave too personal but still want it to stand out from the crowd, decorate the pet’s pet urn with some favorite toy or unique collar. In time, memories will fade away, whereas a pet memorial bench for a pet cemetery will always remind you of a furry friend that is no more.


Pet Memorial Garden Ideas for a Dog

A pet memorial garden is a way to honor and remember pets that may not be with us anymore. This can help pet owners cope with the loss of their companion. While adding a remembrance to your yard or garden space.

The best thing about pet memorial gardens is that they’re entirely customizable. Making them an ideal option for pet lovers who have more than one pet they want to honor. For pet parents looking to create a pet memorial, here are some tips on how to get started. Pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Searching for Appropriate Memorials. When creating a pet memorial in the backyard or elsewhere, you’ll need an appropriate marker. Pine stones, slate tiles, and metal plaques are all great options because of their durability and affordability. Pet Cemeteries and Crematories. These pet facilities offer pet cremation services, or you can choose to cremate your pet at home.

Pet Burial Information – When pet parents bury their pet in the backyard. It’s important to note that pets should not be buried at a depth deeper than one foot. If you plan on planting your pet in the yard of your current residence. You’ll need permission from the landlord first. Pet memorial ideas for the garden.

Decorating and Designing Pet Memorial Gardens. You can also consider planting flowers and decorating the area with wind chimes. And other pet memorials such as fountains. This will help bring beauty to the garden while keeping its purpose intact.

Other Things to Remember.

If your pet dies while out of the house. Pet parents should be prepared for what will happen before coming home. Greeting your pet at the door with their body can cause shock. And emotional trauma that’s difficult to recover from quickly. Pet memorial ideas for the garden. Additionally, pet owners need to consider making funeral plans too soon. After your pet dies, it may mean you are not emotionally ready to make these kinds of decisions. Which makes it even more critical to strategy.

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas for a Dog.

There are many ways pet lovers memorialize their deceased pets in pet cemeteries or at home. Here are some ideas on how to get started with creating a pet memorial garden for a dog.

Decorating Cremation Urns. Urns come in various pet memorial designs, including freshwater pearls, pet paw prints, and pet silhouettes. For pet parents who want to add a special touch to their pet’s urn. Consider engraving or personalizing it with their pet’s name, birth date, and even a favorite quote.

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas for a Cat

In order to help pet parents come up with pet memorial garden ideas for a cat, we have created the following pet memorial guide.

With these pet memorial garden ideas, pet parents can create unique pet memorials that will provide them emotional comfort as they mourn their beloved pet’s passing.

If you knew your cat was going to be gone soon and you wanted to do something special to honor him/her, what would it be?

This is a question that pet parents often find themselves asking after receiving a diagnosis of a critical illness or terminal disease from a veterinarian. In other cases, pet owners might want to give their pet every opportunity possible in the case of an accident victim being brought into the veterinary clinic where they work. Pet memorial ideas for the garden. No matter what the reason pet parents are looking into pet memorial garden ideas for their pet, we hope that this article helps you with your search.


As pet parents start thinking about planning pet memorials, they might consider a pet urn. Pet urns and other pet remembrances serve as a makeshift resting place for your pet’s remains until you can purchase or create an actual cat headstone or grave marker. Pet memorial ideas for the garden. There are many pet urn options available, so pet parents should take the time to look through them and purchase one that best suits both their financial situation and personal tastes before making such an important decision.

We also recommend considering cremation jewelry, which provides a special way to keep your pet close by your side. Especially if you wear pet urns or pet memorial necklaces at all times.

In addition to pet urns and pet cremation jewelry, pet parents can also decorate their pet’s resting place with a pet monument. Pet monuments come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. Some people prefer wooden pet headstones while others find granite ones more appropriate for their pet memorial garden ideas. There are even pet memorial benches. Like Pet memorial ideas for the garden. Which gives your cat a place to rest forever in your beloved family member’s memory.

As opposed to placing a focus on the physical aspects of pet remains in a traditional grave or cemetery marker, pet parents that go with a unique approach might consider a personalized cat headstone from Artis Rock. These personalized pet headstones and pet grave markers let pet parents memorialize their pet with a pet tribute, pet epithet, and/or pet photo. No matter what pet memorial garden ideas you implement, we hope that our suggestions help make the process easier for you as you grieve your loss.

Pet Memorial Ideas for a Cat

With these pet memorial garden ideas, pet parents can create unique pet memorials that will provide them emotional comfort as they mourn their beloved pet’s passing.

If you knew your cat was going to be gone soon. And you wanted to do something special to honor him/her, what would it be? This is a question that pet parents often find themselves asking after receiving a diagnosis of a critical illness. Or terminal disease from a veterinarian. In other cases, pet owners might want to give their pets every opportunity possible. In the case of an accident victim being brought into the veterinary clinic where they work. No matter what the reason pet parents are looking into pet memorial garden ideas for their pet. We hope that this article helps you with your search.

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas for Fish, Birds, and Other Animals Idea 1

When pet owners lose a pet it can be very difficult, especially if they were close to their pet. It’s equally as hard to see pet owners grieve over the loss of a pet as it is to watch anyone you know grieve for something or someone that has passed away or been lost.

Pet owners often opt to create a memorial in honor of their pet and one way they do this is by planting a garden dedicated to them. A pet memorial garden can be simple or elaborate but either way, once planted, will serve as a beautiful tribute to the pet that the person misses so much.

A pet memorial garden doesn’t have to consist entirely of plants but there are pet memorial-specific plants that are sold at pet stores. There are pet urns to go with them as well, featuring butterflies or other animals that have no doubt been lost.

Some pet owners opt out of planting a pet memorial garden because they see it as too permanent an idea for their pet’s life. Instead, they purchase items such as urns for them to be displayed in the home or have stones engraved which can even feature their pet’s name along with the dates of birth and death so at least there is some reminder of their pet lying around no matter where the pet owner goes.

Pet Memorial Garden Ideas for Fish, Birds, and Other Animals Idea 2

Another pet memorial idea is to plant pet memorial trees. There are pet owners who opt to plant a pet memorial tree in their pet’s name, dedicating it to the pet and all the memories they had together. Others do this so that when they look out their window or go outside, even on the worst of days, at least there will be something beautiful to see and know that it was made for them; by them; with love.

Gardens can take some time to mature and grow but once they do they become a wonderful sight for pet owners and people alike. They may even attract butterflies and hummingbirds which were some of your pet’s favorite animals while they were alive. Pets live in the moment and it’s important that pet owners follow suit.

It doesn’t matter where you plant your pet memorial garden or what type of pet memorial garden you create. What does matter is that it brings pet owners joy to think about their pet whenever they look at them while also serving as a constant reminder of the time spent with their pet, celebrating memories made together.

If you are a pet owner who has lost a pet, it’s natural to feel sadness over the loss. When pet owners lose pets they can easily focus on all that was bad in their pet instead of remembering the good times they had together. A pet memorial garden is a way for pet owners to celebrate their pets while nurturing new memories with them in mind.

Hold a funeral service

When a pet dies, the pet owner often wants to pay his or her respect and give some kind of closure. The most common way pet owners like to bid farewell is by holding a funeral service where they can offer words and memories and show their appreciation for all the joy and happiness that pets brought into their lives.

One of the best ways to celebrate a pet’s life is by making a pet memorial garden with the pet’s favorite flowers and trees.

Pets are family members as well, so it’s important for pet owners to go through this emotional time alone with the help of grief counseling professionals.

What happens during a pet funeral? A pet funeral does not vary too much from human funerals; there is usually a ceremony at the pet’s burial site where pet owners can offer words of appreciation and share memories.

Who is invited to a pet funeral? Since the pet is considered a family member, most people who are close to pet owners are invited to pet funerals. Of course, pets are not able to sit through the whole service, so they must wait outside until it’s over. But there are pet cemetery s that allow their furry customers to attend pet funerals just like in human cemeteries.

Too often when pet owners’ pets die, they just throw away dead bodies because they cannot afford proper cremation services or even purchase a casket for their pet.

Today we’re going to be showing you some pet memorial ideas that use pet ashes and how they can be used in the garden.

These pet memorial ideas will allow your pet to live on through flowers, trees, and other plants grown from their ashes.

Pet Memorial Ideas: recycling pet ashes into plants

Ashes have been used for a long time by many cultures, even before pet cremation was available, so it’s no surprise pet ashes are being used for planting now too. If you’d like to try these pet memorial ideas yourself then read on.

You could consider many different plants for this pet memorial idea but the most common plants people have been choosing recently are trees. Something tall seems appropriate a fitting tribute to a large pet; think pine, willow, or even pet memorial ideas with fruit trees like apple and peach.

Ornamental plants are also very popular pet memorial ideas for ashes that include flowers, like the pet memorial idea using hydrangea (pictured) which would be ideal for pet ashes of a pet who was particularly fond of playing in the garden.

You could also consider something unique like a pet memorial idea like planting an herb garden with parsley or basil to flavor your cooking! There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing what pet ashes can be used to grow.

Light a candle in their honor

Looking for pet memorial ideas? Left with a pet cemetery because you can’t let go of your pet’s memory? Looking to give back to the pet community and remember your furbabies? Why not consider donating in honor of another pet lover’s furry friend by sponsoring a pet-welcome garden at the Humane Society of Indianapolis or an animal sanctuary like Southeast European Shepherd Rescue

The Humane Society of Indianapolis is just one option when looking for pet memorial ideas that benefit others. Sponsoring an outdoor space in tribute will give shelter pets somewhere nice to spend their days while awaiting new homes. Human Memorials in pottery make it easier than ever before to set up these pet memorials in honor of beloved family members who have passed away.

Ceremonies and pet memorials can be quite costly depending on the space, costs for pet cemetery upkeep, etc. However, pet-welcome gardens offer pet owners something low-cost or even free to do in order to keep their pet’s memory alive while doing good at the same time. May we suggest checking out these pet-welcome garden ideas? We promise; you won’t regret it!

About the Light a Candle

Donations can also make a difference in creating pet-friendly parks and outdoor spaces that benefit the human community as well. There are rehabilitating organizations like Southeast European Shepherd Rescue which often need help keeping up with animal rescue expenses and other programs which bring them income (like satellite adoption events) to save more animals from harm.

Donations in pet honor are a great way to give back to pet lovers. There are pet memorial ideas for everyone! Just take a look at Human Memorials’ pet cemetery options and you’ll find the perfect way to remember your pet while doing good, too.


Have fun browsing through our pet-welcome garden photos. So many people have thought up so many creative ways to remember their beloved family pets that these pet memorial ideas are sure to inspire you, too. We’re sure you will enjoy browsing through our website full of pet-cemeteries in addition to pet welcome gardens in order to find the best pet memorial idea for your needs.

Create a picture memorial

Creating a pet memorial can help you find comfort and express your grief. A pet memorial is a way to honor the memory of your pet; it does not replace burying or cremating your pet, but rather serves as another way to remember all that your beloved pet meant to you.

If you have decided not to bury your pet in the backyard or at a pet cemetery but would still like a pet urn, there are several ways for creating a ceramic urn pet memorial. One option is to have a custom piece made. A custom ceramic pet memorial offers many unique advantages over pre-made items: It is as beautiful as any other hand-crafted item as well as being pet specific. Custom pet urns are usually no more expensive than pet urns that you would find at pet supply stores or pet memorial sites like Because pet heaven’s gate offers the widest selection of handmade ceramic pet memorial designs available, you will find it to be your one-stop site for all of your pet cremation urn needs including your option to get a personalized ceramic pet urn made.

Last thing

Pet heavens gates offer several unique benefits that set them apart from other online pet cremation urn resources: All our handcrafted pet memorials are entirely customizable; we strongly believe in personalizing every piece by making every effort to bring special attention and care to each project, regardless of pet memorial size, pet urn price or pet cremation urn style.


Let heaven’s gate offers the largest selection of pet urn styles available from some of the world’s most renowned pet urn artisans so you will find pet cremation urns that are as unique as they are beautiful. We have great pet memorial ideas for those who cherish their loved pets and we ship all over Europe and offer pet cremation services in Sweden and UK – we even provide a pet luggage service for our customers to transport their loved ones safely and respectfully back home.

Create a memory time capsule

A wonderful way to commemorate your pet is to create a pet memory time capsule. A pet memorial idea that is unique and creative, you can place the pet’s favorite blanket or toy inside of a box with items from your pet’s life. Including items such as photos, drawings, toys, food dishes, etc., it can be anything that reminds you of your pet. You could even include a video of your pet so you can watch one last memory together after they have passed away.

Create a pet loss photo album

If you want a way to remember what your pet was like before they became ill and passed away, creating a pet loss photo album is an excellent option for pet owners. It can be filled with pictures from when they were healthy alongside pet memorial ideas that pet owners create themselves. Photos of pet illnesses, pet visits to the vet, and even some photos with your family can be included. This is a pet memorial idea that you can add to overtime as well so your pet loss photo album can grow with your family.

Pet graveyard or pet cemetery

Creating a pet graveyard or pet cemetery is one way to remember your pet for many years to come. You can place large stones in the yard where each stone represents one of your beloved pets who have passed away along with their name and dates on them.